Kitchen disastors! [Open]

Aug 31, 2011 12:07

Characters: Romeo and cake lovers?
Setting: Kitchens mid morning
Format: your choice!
Summary: Romeo wants to do something nice for his new friends, he has decided to make a cake. MESS HAPPENS
Warnings: potentially exploding cake!
Romeo entered the kitchen and put the book he had found in the library down on the counter. He had been thinking of doing something for his friends here and since everyone liked tasty food he had decided to make something. So he had found a cook book and a recipie for cake.

However Romeo had never baked before, back at home there really hadn't been much food at all and in Milano he had been banned from the kitchen in case he stole food. Apparantly chimney sweeps worked better when they were hungry. He found a big bowl and looked at the recipie. 2 oz Butter Romeo blinked he didn't know what a oz was. He opened the fridge and saw some blocks of butter. Two of them then.

2 oz Sugar Romeo nodded, this didn't look too hard, he grabbed two bags of sugar and added them to the butter. He looked back at the book. Cream the butter and sugar he sighed, so many ingredients!

He grabbed a tub of cream and added that. Two eggs; beaten. Romeo frowned, he hoped eggs didn't feel pain. "Sorry," he murmered to him before he punched each egg smashing them on the counter. He scooped the goo up, shell and all and added them to the mis and stired a bit. Mixture went everywhere but he kept it in the bowl as best as possible. 4 oz self raising flour. That was a lot of flour. He grabbed four small bags of flour and added them to the bowl. It said to fold so he stuck his hands in and tried to fold the ingredients around each other. He emptied it into the pan and quickly put it in the oven, sliding it into the oven by the floor because he didn't want to enter the cooker.

He cleaned up as best he could and when it had been the right amount of time he wrapped his hands in cloth and took the tray out. It looked burned and wobbly and when he placed it on the top the thin shell that had formed broke open. Hot cake mix went everywhere, spilling onto Romeo's shirt and down the bench.

For a moment Romeo just stood there eyes wide wondering what had gone wrong.

[ou] romeo

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