Characters: Lenalee and you.
Setting: Dormitories
Format: Prose but will match responses.
Summary: Lenalee woke to her nightmares made real.
Warnings: Dark imagery, introspection, and teal de deer.
Her dreams always starts out the same with the world in ruins. The towers are always chewed down to nubs like fractured bones jutting out of some mess of flesh. Devastation covers everything and she is always sitting in the middle of it. The dead are hidden but she knows they are there.
How different it was for the start of a nightmare to be waking up in a room, laying on her back and unable to move for nearly a minute. She finally pushed herself up and scanned the room with her eyes. This wasn't what she remembered last. No. There had been Allen saying good bye before he stepped through the Ark door and it shattered to pieces. She couldn't have passed out, could she? Or fainted.
Neither seemed likely as she slid off the bed and took stock of the entire room. Four beds, four trunks. Lights. All the things one might need if they were living there. But it wasn't in the usual style of rooms she was used to. And that's when she finds the letters. On a whim, Lenalee sits on the edge of the bed she woke up on to read them.
Your world has been destroyed. I saved you. Let's all be happy here.
And that's when the nightmare begins. It comes without fanfare or music, just a simple cold feeling that spreads through her heart like as it if were turning to ice. Everyone she knew and loved, gone. How fast had it come for them? Why was she the only one saved? Was she the only one? The need to know gnawed at her.
Her thoughts whirled in circles and she tucked the first letter into her coat while she walked to the door. But, she was still an Exorcist and the idea of trouble being right outside was nothing new. Lenalee leaned against the wall by the door and eased it open slowly, straining to hear anything that might be a sign of danger. General Tiedoll had said something in Japan that came back to her now.
Survive. Live to fight another day.
If there was another day to be had, she'd survive till it came. Because she'd return to her brother's side somehow. He couldn't be dead. Please, God. She hates you but don't take him from her.
With a quiet breath, Lenalee slipped out into the hallway and worried that all the pieces of her world were gone and her with them.