Entry into the Tower

Dec 17, 2007 01:00

You awaken to a pristine white room.

Your entire body feels heavy as lead - like it was drowning in quicksand and it takes a few moment before you can gather the strength to sit up. You do not know where you are, you do not know how long you have been here - the last thing you clearly remember is a pang in your chest, a feeling of pins and needles throughout your body, and then you're here . . .

Wherever here is.
It takes another few minutes for you to come to the startling realization that you have nothing on you that you did before - not even the clothes on your back or any piercings you had are on your person. To your relief (if you are the modest type), you find a bundle conveniently placed at your feet. Opening it you find a white robe and a thin sheet of tinted glass. Upon touching the glass, unknown symbols appear across it before they finally freeze on a single set of letters.

To your surprise, when you look up you find that you are no longer in the white room, but sitting on a soft bed in a brightly lit room overlooking the ocean at sunset. It is beautiful - no, breathtaking - and all you can think at the moment is . . .

Why am I here?


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