
Dec 02, 2007 01:00

Player Contact Information:
Player Name:
Player Journal:
AIM/MSN/YIM: Please specify which service you use

Character basics:
Name: Given Name "alias" Family Name (For example: Nate "Near" River or Taichi "Tai" Kamiya)
Series/Fandom: Pretty straightforward.
Gender: Stick to Female, Male, Hermaphroditic, or Unknown.
Age upon arrival: None of this "appears to be," "acts like" or the like, please. We would like a general number for their age or simply "unknown" for the application.
Species: Pretty straightforward.

Further Information:
Canon History: Pretty simple. The person reviewing the application won't necessarily know the canon, so how can they know how the deviation works and what makes it so unique? We want a general summary of the canon material here. Please remember this part of the application has a 200 word minimum and should be their whole canon history or (if it's a long-running series) until a little ways after the point at which the deviation occurs. We do allow some slight deviation here as well for the purpose of filling in holes that have yet to be filled in the canon (IE: Info on parents, etc. If it doesn't contradict anything mentioned in canon at the time of applying, it's allowed).
Deviation: The fun part - and it requires a 300 word minimum so the reviewer can fully understand the deviation. The only limits we have here are basic swaps - no swapping characters genders, species, adding animal features, or their role in the original story and expecting the canon to work out exactly the same way. It's got to deviate further than that. Otherwise, what you do with the character is up for grabs. Have fun!
Personality: How do they act after the deviation? What are their likes? Dislikes? Fears? Hopes? Dreams? Anything about their personality you can think of should go here.
Appearance: Pretty straightforward. Though we require a 100 word minimum to ensure the reviewer has a decent explanation of what they look like.
Abilities: Does the character have any special powers or skills? Magic? Cybernetics? Anything outside of standard human ability? Please thoroughly explain them and their limitations here.
Strengths: What are their strong points? Personality-wise, combat-wise, technology-wise? Must be the same in number as weaknesses.
Weaknesses: What are their weak points? Any injuries, conditions, allergies, etc.? Does it turn out they're very bad in executing one of their special abilities? Must be the same in number as strengths.

Journal Entry: Minimum of 150 words, please, as if the character was writing in their journal.
Role-playing: Minimum of 300 words please. Thank you!

Stuck? Examples of RP and journal samples from other players can be found here.

Application questions:
1. Do you have any other characters in the Tower?
2. If you do, which ones?
3. Have you read the rules and FAQ thoroughly?

Personal interest questions (optional and for kicks):
1. Is this your first time RPing?
2. If not, where have you RPed before?
3. Who have you played before?
4. Who would you like to play in the future?
5. Which came first: Fandom or Fanfiction?
6. What do you hope your character can get out of their stay in the Glass Tower?

For player ease - simply copy and paste the contents in the window below into your e-mail or your word processing program to fill out.

Once completed, E-mail it to the moderator (currently: Cassie) at

Applications are reviewed every Saturday unless otherwise notified in the OoC Community. ^_^

If you're having troubles with e-mail, or if it's more convenient, you can also comment here with a URL for your app's placement in your journal. Be sure to list the character's series and name alongside the URL so the mods can check the reserves, thank you.

Player Name:
Player Journal:

Age upon arrival:

Canon History:

Journal Entry:

1. Do you have any other characters in the Tower?
2. If you do, which ones?
3. Have you read the rules and FAQ thoroughly?

1. Is this your first time RPing?
2. If not, where have you RPed before?
3. Who have you played before?
4. Who would you like to play in the future?
5. Which came first: Fandom or Fanfiction?
6. What do you hope your character can get out of their stay in the Glass Tower?


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