Я люблю эту песочницу)) иногда кажется, они ещё большие психи, чем каммеры)))
потому что…
Definition of crush:
Informal a. an intense but usually short-lived infatuation.
b. the object of such an infatuation: Who is your latest crush?
Definition of connection:
1. the act or state of connecting; union
2. something that connects, joins, or relates; link or bond
3. a relationship or association
I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS, BUT… I’m content with calling it a connection, actually.
Look, I know that Kurtofsky isn’t going to be happening anytime soon. We pirates understand that quite clearly, this is old news. However, it cannot be denied that they are laying the foundation down for it to happen in the future. Good or bad, Kurt and Dave are connected in some way.
And that ‘connection’ is made even more obvious during the hallway scene when Dave allows his walls to come down, and Kurt sees the real Dave.
In order to be ‘connected’ to someone or something, you have to have feelings for that object in some way. Connecting with something is actually quite personal when you really think about it. Perhaps not ‘infatuation’ (which is a fleeting, short-lived emotion, if ya’ll didn’t know that), but curiosity, admiration, respect? There’s definitely something there.
So again. Dave has made a connection with Kurt, huh? Yeah, that sounds about right.