I'm watching the ep Saturday night because I will be with over a dozen fannish friends tomorrow for a Christmas party. Today has been spent cooking for the party and wrapping gifts. Busy, busy, busy. :)
Ah, Kickback. Bodie and his old lover meet up unexpectedly. Hee ;)
* Boat on the water...full moon... very romantic.
* Doyle should not wear red stripes while doing covert night work.
* Check out Bodie's face when he recognizes Keller. Hmm
* Another Stephen Lister ep.
* Put out that cigarette, Keller!
* Now, in the daylight, I can see that Bodie is also striped in red. Jeez!
* Doyle tells Cowley to ask Bodie about the 3rd man.
* Here comes Bodie with a handful of explosives.
* Cowley's confrontation leads to info about Jimmy Keller from Bodie's days in the SAS.
* Bodie's old boss wants to know if he's towing the line. :)
* Doyle wants to meet Keller and pumps Bodie for details. Hee!
* I don't really like Doyle's hair in this ep. The cut is wrong. :(
* Keller is such a gracious host! LOL
* Hmmm. Ray does look good in close-up, though. ;)
* Bodie joins the PLA.
* Murphy! Always love to see The Smurph!
* Love Bodie's target practice--hate his jacket!!
* Oh oh. Keller's girlfriend is not liked by Bodie.
* The fake getaway thingy. I love the guy driving directly to the boss!!
* OOh. Looking better now, Ray. Bodie looks great while shooting eggs and drinking milk.
* Cowley talks to the potential assassination victim.
* Frequency scrambler. Oh oh. Doyle is good at unscrambling scramblers.
* Who is the guy listening in with the headphones?
* Ah. Bodie got his jacket back from Georgie. ;)
* Keller has pretty grey eyes. I wish they'd use that lighting on Bodie's eyes.
* Lots of ugly curtains at the baddie's hideout.
* Bodie's calling Doyle later. Phone sex?
* Doyle sounds like he has a cold while they lads chat on the RTs.
* Assassination Day: Doyle has a few buttons undone for us. Thank you!
* Bodie is wearing an ugly jacket again. He must be very cold today.
* Watch out, joggers!
* Bodie shoots out the tire. Fake hit!
* Bodie switches jackets in the car with Keller. His hair is a fright as he pulls off a
* Evil Keller boinks our lad and dumps him with the trash.
* Poor Bodie! Aww!
* Head baddie gets his picture taken by Doyle as he leaves his office with a briefcase.
* Car chase! I wasn't paying attention. Who's being chased? Doyle lost him.
* A different briefcase dude is killed by Keller. He sets up an explosion, but takes most
of the money with him.
* Bodie is in a helicopter now, looking much better than the last time we saw him.
* Baddie on baddie hitting action. (The girl is being roughed up.)
* Bodie spies the farmhouse from the helicopter.
* Helicopter-car chase! Oops! I'll bet he wasn't wearing his seat belt. Bang! Bang!
* Bodie shoots the guy then goes after the girl. Bodie looks great in this scene.
* He throws her in the water! Hee!
* Baddies after Keller now. It's a warehouse shoot out.
* Even though Keller is gut shot, Bodie says he's all right because the bullet came out his
* Oh oh. Baddie is aiming at Bodie. Keller saves him again. That's another one you me,
* I'm beginning to resent the abrupt endings to these episodes!
* Bodie has a sad, faraway look in his eyes. The End.
The party was fun! :) I'm home and ready for more Pros. :D