The Great Global Pros Watch: Lawson's Last Stand

Feb 01, 2009 21:31

Late, but with a good reason. ;)

I've been with friends all day, and now A and I are ready to watch pros. Whoopie!

* Okay crazy dude breaks out of a sanitarium.
* Cowley is having a meet with someone about the crazy dude. He is very protective
of the crazy dude's wife.
* Ah! The lads are now in on it. :D
* Ooh! Boots and shoulder harnesses. *fans self*
* LOL at Cowley's huge glasses.
Thank you, Ray, for the fluffier, longer curls.
* Lads are looking good in the car discussing Lawson's military history.
* Food through a goose? Hee!
* Lawson really can walk!
* The Investigation goes to the nut house sanitarium.
* The doctor didn't know his history?
* Ummm. Boots and tight jeans.
* I like Lawson's uniform.
* Palace guards?
* Okay. The scene in the pub is embarrassing.
* The family thinks he's still in Germany.
* Back to the lads. :) LOL at call to Cowley.
* 4.5 really got it wrong this time!
* Idiotic behavior of the bank teller!
* OMG. Look at Doyle lounging. Check out the bracelet. A. says it's an
anniversary pressie from Bodie. :D
* Operation Britannica? Hmmm...
* OOh! The light in the Brigadier's office looks so good on Ray.
* C 29 nerve gas. O o.
* Kaboom! Bam! Shriek! Aoogah! Aoogah! Aoogah!
* OOh! Bodie in black leather!
* Ooh! Doyle brings a beverage for Bodie. All Hell has broken loose, but Doyle is
taking care of his partner. :)
* Time to heft the dangerous gas canister.
* Hmm. Looks like Lawson is setting up a swing set.
* Interesting demands. On the hour, every hour. Forever.
* Nice jeans, Ray!
* Even Bodie's grey leather looks okay with the grey shirt.
* Ah! Bodie sees a blind spot.
* OOh! The danger of the plan for the lads!
* Who was driving the tank? Hmm.
* You're out of breath 3.7
* Soft, you might say. No, Bodie. You are a delightfully hard man. :)
* Not a favorite ep, but it had it's moments.

doyle, bodie, pros watch, cowley, pros eps, pros

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