Untitled Fic/ Delurking

Dec 02, 2010 16:44

Title: None at the moment (excuse me while I scroll through the fic titles in my head)

Fandom: Tower Prep
Rating: Pg-13, for this chapter, I think

Warnings: Some spoilers, for... lets be safe and say all episodes. This part is set after "Whisper" but before "Buffer".
Pairings/Characters: eventual Ian/Gabe, something like Suki/Gabe/C.J., ensemble
Summary: Ian's starting to notice that there are more mysteries around him than just those about the school.
A/N: This is one of my first fics in a while. I'm not sure if I'll continue it, that depends on what people think. It doesn't really have much of an action/adventure plot right now, and mostly (until more happens in canon) there won't be a lot going on. But I do have a few things planned. Anyway, this is in mostly Ian's point of view... kind of, and I hope you enjoy. x-posted to fringerslash .

( At my journal)

spoilers, fanfiction

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