Jul 21, 2003 23:18
Hey I'm trying my best to say a lot of stuff in this entry :-P
Here a story wat I say on my note while I was at airplane,
Here it goes I will say every single word=
Hey notes, I'm in airplane now. I am so bored and I'm all alone and no one to talk to :-\ if I am hearing for sure I will have blast time in my life! But sadly I'm born deaf. So its obviously I'm deaf entire of my life lol. Its now 6:14 am PT time I left from maryland at 8:05 am ET time. It been a hour since I left maryland I am sure I'm over kansas by now. . . Who kno! LOL. . . I wish this damn pager have service! :-\ hey brb for a sec. Alrite I am bak :-) tha damn pager kept saying service unavaiable. Man I know tha already! Sheesh really annoyed me a bit lol. I dun think I have anything to say for now. *sighs* I tried to sleep but I cldnt! Drats! I only slept 3 hr last nite! From 2:30 am then wake up at 5:30 am pathletic isn't it? Lolz o'well I guess I'm gone for now!
Sean Christopher Norris '05
Hey I'm bak! Its 8:50 am PT time now. Fast time isn't it? I'm gonna read the first note I had said smile. Hugs! Sk
Love always
Sean Christopher Norris '05
Now notes r finish! Lol dumb thing to say on notes eh? Lmao. . .
My summer been bored lately here a story of my whole summer vac.
1st wk of vac after skool's over, I went to north carolina to visit my deaf grandma its was fun there I finally met Pat's "my granny's roommate" mother. She own huge farm! Danng she's soo fukin rich! Danng anyway on 2nd saturday of june I left to maryland for gally bball camp but first on sat nite my mom, real sis, me, granny, and sis's bf hang togs all nite looking around in wash. D.C. Then on 2nd sunday of june left to enrolled at gally bball camp I was lil late lol cuz we got lost wandering around wash. D.C. Lol. It was fun at gally bb camp my team got 2nd place in tourny we lost by 1 frickin pts! Ahh but on my 3-3 team we won champ by sweeps, and other actives it was so fun! Anyway 4th wk of june I still stay in maryland cuz I'm visitin my real dad. It was nice to see him again he lost a lot of lbs around 40 or more lbs! He's thin! Dammn first nite he already left me home alone just to see his damn friends! Ugh. I thought it will b once a while for him to b gone but turn out he left me home alone every single night! From 3rd friday of june until last friday night he had gone every single nite not even one night tha he stayed home w/ me. I hafta fix supper myself mofo! Rarely dad will cook me dinner ugh I was planning to go to kansas on july 25th to 31st but plans had changed cuz all of my friends r busy so its not worth for me to go there so I immediately *sp?* page my dad saying I wanna fly bak home this wknd *last wknd* and he was disappointed so on last day of bein w/ him he was gone all day somewhere and at nite time he left to see friends but lucky I'm spending time w/ my real sis to espn zone to play aracde and then went to mall to eat dinner it was great night w/ my sis! Then I left at 8 05 am on flight on way to cali I was soo excite! Now I am home latelyi been relaxing in home but the day I arrive here in cali already had plan to see jet ski racing at old sac it was fun! Sunday relaxing day today went to doctor appt for physical blah then eat at In n out YUM! Then went to Petco and saw many awesome creature. It was koo. . . Then bak home and relaxing for a while then went to wal mart look at plants, then fishes I was looking at bikes and new backpacks ya kno I need backpack remmy huge hole in the bak of backpack lol. Its nice backpack! And I bought new game called "the thing" man its bored! Cuz no CC so no idea wat it say. Now I'm on bed at 12:13 am PT lolz that's much stuff I had say for now :-P
Latz everyone!