Here in this diary, I write you visions of my was the best I ever had.

Jul 27, 2005 21:31

A decent and trendy layout? It is possible that I am livejournal-savvy? Well lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Summer defined: (n) Free of Bridges' mole to mole ratios, Murdoche's elaborate tales of nail salon visits and the monotonous Klux deluxe meal every Tuesday. Adapting to normal sleep habits, not just when the overhead goes on. Normal sleep habits meaning going to sleep late and getting up when you feel like it.

This summer is awesome. July hasn't even ended and its already surpassed expectations. Because I deleted all the previous entries I'll sum up the greatness that is the summer of '05 with some highlights. wee!

*Pitt tickets to Staind/3DD/Breaking Benjamin concert and getting them for 90 bucks at midnight on Ebay the night before the concert.
*Field Hockey Baystate Games '05
*Olive Garden with the girls/ mall trip with Julia
*Alex living in Raynham*
*Handi kids for the second summer in a row
*Visiting the college of St.Rose
*The Kick off the summer party where we ruined my raft haha.
*That beach trip where we gave Andy boobs
*The Walpole and Bridgewater fireworks
*Late nights with friends
*Dead or Alive Ultimate 2. Did I mention I beat Alex, several times?

Man, there's a bazillion things on my mind...things I should be worrying about, things I am worrying about but have pushed out of my mind for the sake of a great summer =/. Summer may be the best time to feel alive, but with that comes a new wave of thoughts, feelings, and complications. It'll all catch up to me at some point, but until then...

Well, in the very-near future there's Espo's party, six flags trip with the group, Champions Edge field hockey camp with team mates, and White Lake, NH. I also turn 17 on the 2nd. that is cool. This is cool. Thou cannot waitith...

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