Shige facts from Hanamaru Cafe 090514 and randomness

May 16, 2009 01:37

Just 20 over minutes and he gave out so many trivial facts.
I'm sure someone will sub this but just for the record:

- He's now introduced as the "multi-talented idol cum student"
- He brought a bunch of bananas as his breakfast for the show LOL
- He apparently eats bananas every morning because he tends to overeat in the morning and eating bananas help to curb his appetite
- But he doesn't really like bananas and just eats them so he can curb his appetite because he gains weight easily (He's such a M)
- He talked about the food at his school and how cheap and tasty it is, and the female host said she had always wanted to go there one day.
- He tells her that she will stand out because everyone there is young but recovers himself and says that she will look like a lecturer or the administrator (LOL never tell her woman she's too old no matter how subtly)
- He's not writing a graduation thesis but just taking modules and coursework with 2 units left for his last school year, not forgetting to highlight that he's in law school.
- He said it wasn't very hard to balance between work and school (elite alert lol) and he tries to neutralize that by saying it's probably because he likes studying.
-His top 3 canteen food are #3 "Omotesando" Set (because the school is near Omotesando) where the menu varies daily, #2 Beef udon, #1 Abura soba (dry noodles with a variety of sauces as dressing) He strongly recommends #1
- His goal for the year is to cut a whole fish into 3 slices. LOL
- Also, he's not good at group activities like ball games because he messes up the teamwork and can't ever figure out who to pass the ball to when playing soccer XD
- That's why he prefers activities like fishing which he can do by himself (He should go fishing with Tsuyoshi :D)
- His friends often go to his place and he cooks for them. It's easy for him because they help him clean up XD
- He and his friends have cooking contest at home where they all cook and one of them decides who's the winner
- He has been winning the contest
- He avoids cooking those typical food like curry or hamburgers and instead like to cook pasta, acqua pazza and risotto and even taimeshi (rice with slices of raw mackerel on top)
- Shige is unpopular with girls according to Koyama LOLL
- He is concluded to be a good person ^^;;
- Ryo said he hopes Shige would stop having frizzy hair and moisturise his hair more and he reacts by saying that Ryo has frizzy hair too (My my you've come far to fight back against Ryo XD)
- He owns 8 camera and his favorite is his twin-lens reflex camera
- That Hawaii shot of Pi half naked was taken when Shige told Pi to act cool (They should do this more often, it was such a beautiful shot)
- He also wants a darkroom perhaps converting his bathroom into one LOL
- He appealed to those in publishing to approach him for a photobook release
- His mom makes caps/hats and is so good now after learning for 5 years that she is good enough to teach
- All news members' moms get along very well and his mom is the leader among them. She messaged the rest and they are all going to watch his butai on the same day

Isn't it nice to know that member ai extends into the family? ^^

And just something random...
I saw this sign in a ladies room:

I didn't know anyone was watching XDDD

random, shige

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