My Fandoms and random stuff

Aug 26, 2009 01:17

I need a break from laughing at Suju clips and I'm too lazy and brain-dead to even watch Buzzer Beat..much less start translating it tonight. I've heard about the kiss in Ep 7.. hmm I've never enjoyed Pi's kiss scenes because it always looks more like lips placed together rather a kiss XD But it seems like it's getting rave reviews so I'm curious :D

This is a meme taken from misticloud 
I doubt anyone would take up the offer but here goes:
"Comment saying you want to play and I'll LJ stalk you to find three fandoms you apparently love. And then you answer these questions about them!"

❶ What got you into this fandom in the first place?
❷ Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
❸ Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc?
❹ Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
❺ Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

- What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Actually, it was jdramas that brought me into NEWS fandom. I can't remember which one came first, but I watched 1 Liter of Tears and Nobuta wo Produce in 2005 when it was airing. Then I googled and watched the terrible fashion in their early PVs. Fortunately (XD) it didn't scare me off and I think I was a fan for only 2 months before their suspension happened..

- Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I think I'm still staying for a while but the lack of activities is making it hard D:

- Favorite episodes etc?
The offshots and MCs (esp when Shige and Koyama are teasing each other) in their DVDs, their abake on SCs, Shige and Koyama's appearance on Hanamaru. I would name more but my memory's failing me. (And probably because I've been too distracted by SS501 and Suju lately XDD)

- Do you participate in fandom?
I translate articles, sub dramas and a few variety clips. Unfortunately I've no talent for writing fanfics.

- Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Yes. These boys need more love because their jimusho apparently is not giving them much. It just feels like they are only better than T&T in terms of media exposure as a group....

2. Domoto Tsuyoshi (and KinKi Kids)
- What got you into this fandom in the first place?
To Heart. I can't bear to watch it now but I liked it quite a lot 10 years ago LOL. I've watched Kindaichi on TV before To Heart but the Hajime sideburns didn't do anything for me. I think Tokieda Yuji was the most idol-like role he ever had. He was kakkoii as a boxer despite being too scrawny XD Then I heard more of KK's songs (Their D album was my first JE buy) and the rest is history.

- Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I will never stop liking this guy. I did drift away from fandom for a while because the internet wasn't so resourceful back then and I didn't understand Japanese.

- Favorite episodes/books etc?
Old eps of love love aishiteru where he gave the seductive looks XDD
Domoto Kyoudai eps when he's lovey dovey with Koichi and not forgetting his kawaii-ness when he played the Pun Pun Game.
I love his book Boku no kutsu oto which was compiled from his Myojo essays and the photobook Shoujiki I love you.

- Do you participate in fandom?
This is my biggest fandom but I don't really participate lol. Maybe except a few comments here and there XD
I probably need more fellow fangirl friends to feel motivated to participate.

- Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Yes. This guy is talented musically and artistically. He breaks the typical idol stereotype.

2) KPop (Mainly SS501 & Suju)
- What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Seeing  Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo in Boys Over Flowers. Then I watched We Got Married where he had the variety show marriage with Hwang Bo and his dorkiness was just irresistible. I started to like the rest of the group when I listened to their songs and found out they are all better singers than HJL XD.
For Suju, I guess it's due to recommendation from friends LOL. I started to see Suju mentioned a lot on my  f-list, it's like there's a Suju flu or something.

- Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I'm having a Korean pop culture boom right now so I'm here to stay for a while. At least while I'm still learning Korean,

- Favorite episodes etc?
We Got Married eps. Ssangchu couple <3 And the korean version of Neoki Dokkiri when they woke up the boys and HJL was just dead as a log XD
For Suju, Exploration fo the Human Body, Full House (I'm still not finished with it yet but Han Kyung is so cute. Yes I currently like the Chinese guy in a Korean group most XD)

- Do you participate in fandom?
Not really and for Suju I'm still a 2 week old newbie XD

- Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Yes, you'll get sucked in after a few clips anyway.


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