What's In a Name? (I Need Your Help)

Jul 10, 2007 20:53

For some time now, I've been considering starting a new journal that would be made up of the inspirational ideas, motivational messages, and enlightening entries that I sometimes think of and write to inspire myself and others.

On my profile I wrote this about myself, and my journal:
My LJ is both positive and negative, both light and dark, both a comedy and a tragedy, both fun and ranting. I’m not happy with where my life is at this time, where it’s been for several years now, and some of my journal depicts that sense of dark regret. However, even in the ever-present darkness, my darkness, there is a light striving to break through the gloom and shine outward, and that is also depicted in my LJ via my deep thoughts, my random philosophies, and my comical observations and ramblings.

WHat I've thought about doing, is making an additional journal not expressing varying modes of lightness and gloom, but only of the light, the inspiration, the deeper levels of thought that I sometimes--both successfully and unsuccessfully--try to convey.

In my novel, the one I completed so long ago but never got published, that I want to submit again but need to re-edit to improve the narrative, there is a man who goes through a terrible tragedy that destroys his dreams. Several years later in the storyline, I wrote about him being near suicide, of sitting at his window in the middle of the night with a blade held against his wrist, gazing at the darkness outside and using it to symbolize the darkness in his heart. But then he notices a malfuntioning streetlight, flickering on and off in the darkness. The light would come on for a couple of seconds and drive away the darkness, only to flicker off and be consumed by it again. The character noted that the light was in competition with the darkness, and was struggling to overcome it. Then suddenly the light flickered on and stayed on for the rest of the night, somehow strong enough again to repel the darkness. He related that to himself and wondered how he would find a light within him to repel his own darkness. At that point he put the knife back in the drawer, feeling hope in what had seemed like a message to him. For that reason, using that message, I have thought about naming my new journal Flickering Light on a Dark Road, or something of that nature.

I've also thought about the title having something to do with removing a mask, such as when Anakin Skywalker returned to the good side of the Force and had Luke remove his mask to be able to see him with his own eyes, unshrouded by darkness.

I've also considered the idea that I am so fascinated by skyscrapers (my Lego city, anyone?) and that a spire reaches higher, hence the inspiration for the word "inspire" as in to think higher. So for that reason I've considered "Lightspire", inSPIREed, Spire of Fire, Inspirewire, and some other variations; all with the combined concepts of reaching higher, inspire, being on fire (creatively), of reaching higher and casting a light to inspire from the height of the spire, etc.

What I would like, if I've held your interest thus far, is for you to help me choose the name for this new journal, based in part by what you've read from me previously, and by what you read above. I will tell you that I may not necessarily choose the highest voted title after all, but your feedback is still appreciated. I will also tell you that I am heavily leaning toward Lightspire, Spire of Fire, or some variation, but don't let that influence your choices.

Thank you for your help, your feedback, and hopefully, your putting the new journal on your f-list and reading it.

I cannot make this as a poll since my LJ membership expired and I'm just using the basic free service right now, so please vote by posting 2 of the titles from this list. Mark them as 1 and 2, 1 being your favorite and 2 being your second or equal choice. Thanks.

- Lightspire
- inSPIREd
- Bright Horizon
- Warm Light on a Cold Horizon
- Bright Light on a Dark Horizon
- Pushing Back the Dark
- The Spire of Fire
- Spire of Fire
- Too Close to Turn Back
- Lightninspire (the missing "g" is intentional)
- Inspirewire
- Nowhere Aft-Everywhere Fore
- The Mask Removed
- A Streetlight on a Dark Road
- Streetlight in the Night
- A Light in the Night
- Skidmarks on the Edge
- A Higher Fire
- Enter the Light
- Inspireshine
- Back from the Darkside
- Light vs Night
- Remember the Light
- Out from the Dark

-life lessons from tov, inspiration, my lj

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