Dec 04, 2006 04:24
Answer all questions with one word answers. Do not explain. One word only.
1. Yourself?
I am me. Who else would I be?
2. Your girlfriend/wife?
See #29. No, I mean #31.
3. Your hair?
Grows from every part of my body except my head.
4. Your mother?
Was a woman.
5. Your father?
Was a man.
6. Your Favorite Item?
My Lego city.
7. Your dream last night?
I don't go to sleep until the AM, so I didn't dream last night.
8. Your Favorite drink?
Pina colada.
9. Your Dream Car/truck?
Lamborghini Diablo.
10. The Room You Are In?
My bedroom.
11. Your Ex?
Ex what? Lax?
12. Your fear?
Losing everything, failure.
13. What you want to be in 10 years?
10 years younger, if somehow possible.
14. Who you hung out with last night?
No one.
15. What You're Not?
Enjoying life.
16. Muffins?
Banana nut muffins are the yum.
17. One of Your Wish List Items?
An 8 inch penis, and a gorgeous latin honey hiding it...then revealing it...then hiding it...
18. Time?
Keeps passing, running out, getting shorter.
19. The Last Thing You Did?
Answered #18.
20. What You Are Wearing?
A last answer amused me.
21. Your Favorite Weather?
Winter in Florida, when it gets cooler but isn't too cold.
22. Your Favorite Book?
The Stand by Steven King. Followed by The Godfather by Puzo.
23. The Last Thing You Ate?
A Grand Slam breakfast for dinner at Denny's.
24. Your Life?
Is not what it should be.
25. Your Mood?
Is not what it would be.
26. Your body?
Is not what it could be.
27. What are you thinking about right now?
The Movie "Mafia" is currently showing on the TV, and it's freaking hilarious.
28. Your truck/car:
2004 Dodge Intrepid.
29. What are you doing at the moment?
Answering #29.
30. Your summer?
Wound up being between Spring and Fall this year.
31. Your relationship status:
Is like a TV show that went into hiatus before production began. Stupid Union writers went on strike or something.
32. What is on your TV?
A pile of magazines and a layer of dust.
33. What is the weather like?
It's mostly cloudy, 28°F, with a humidity factor of 51% and a southwest wind of 16 mph in Norfolk, Nebraska. I'm not sure what it's like here in south Florida though.
34. When is the last time you laughed?
About 20 seconds ago. I'm telling you, this film is hilarious.
Oh shit. That was supposed to be one word answers, wasn't it? Dagnabbit!
memes and surveys,
a little bit o' wit