Where Are My Zzzzzzzzz?

Sep 11, 2006 04:30

I'm insomniatic again. No, I don't know if that's really a word. If not, now it is.

With sleep eluding me still, I'll make a random post about random observations. Two random observations.

#1, the new Horizon navigation scheme for paid users looks really good. I think it will soon be the default scheme for all users by the end of this month, but using it in advance, I'm really digging it.

#2, I learned that I'm not blogging to my true potential.
Quota Usage
You are currently using 43.46 MiB (2.12%) of your 2.00 GiB quota.

Speaking of which, Megabytes are a million bits. So gigabites is what, a billion bytes? There should be another type larger than a gigabyte, and it should be called a biggabyte. And megabytes should really be called Migabytes, the Mig designation not to be confused with the Russian fighter jet. Then computer storage amounts would be designated Migabytes, Gigabytes, and Biggabytes. Special programs to dig throught data and uncover buried info would use digabytes. Those who eat while typing and get food on their keyboards would use pigabytes. And those who drink while at their computers could use swigabytes. The Irish would use jigabytes. Not to leave out mathematicians who would input and store their triangles with trigabytes. And if Liberaci were still alive I'm sure he'd use wigabytes.

tovorisms, my lj, a little bit o' wit

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