Goodbye and Good Riddance

Dec 31, 2007 23:15

As usual, when I think a year can't possibly has as many mishaps as the previous, I'm proven wrong.

Been a busier year, but all that business accomplished less then when I had decent amounts of free time.

And as usual, these mishaps cause me to totally change my plan of attack... Damn I'm sick of having to improvise.

So this year, it's back to college and a trip to London. As for resolutions?

1) Survive another year

2) Find a way to keep my room cleaner for longer (though I think I'll need someone to help me organize, because I can't do it worth a damn)

3) Use my post-it notes more often...(of course contingent upon me remembering to use them....or even where I put them)

4a) Figure out what the hell is wrong with my back

4b) Figure a way to get it fixed for dirt cheap or free preferably.

5) Eat more

6) Stop blowing money on people who either don't appreciate or don't repay...or both in some cases.

Notice the far simpler resolution list this year? *nods* Yup. Says it all really.

Good bloody riddance to 2007.
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