Mar 01, 2007 14:29
I wrote the following as an intro on someone else's LJ, and it seems to sum up well certain things in my life, so I thought I'd post it here where everyone can see it.
"I am 23 years old, a Doctoral student in biology. I grew up poster-child Conservative, but have been getting stricter on some of my observances over the past 6 or so years, and have reached the point where I'm not sure I am comfortable being labeled Conservative, largely because of the assumptions people make about it, both within and without the movement.
I am engaged to be married this summer. My fiance, Noah, is an aspiring Hillel rabbi. His rabbinical institution of choice is Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, but since I'm committed to being in Baltimore for another 4-5 years, he is looking into pursuing a Master's locally until we can go back to NY.
He also grew up Conservative, but not egalitarian, so he has long since dropped the label and doesn't have as strong connections to the movement anymore. He won't label himself Orthodox, either.
I have been davening with the Orthodox minyan on campus this year, b/c there aren't really any other options that I like. Being at the CY last year, and growing up in a fairly participatory and congregant-led shul, I have little patience for congregations that cater (excessively, to me) to people who don't know what they're doing. Next year, once we are married, we'll be moving to the heart of the local Jewish community, which is fairly right-wing, and joining a (self-defined left-wing) Modern Orthodox shul. At times I feel less comfortable about that than others, but it's probably the best option for me, and certainly the best option of places Noah would feel halachically comfortable.
Oh, my, that got long. I just kind of kept typing as I thought. Sorry."