Don't ask about the capitalization scheme in the title, it just is.
So, after reading my Friends' Page, and then thinking to myself "Why was there so little?* I want more to read!", I decided that maybe others feel the same way about me, so maybe I should post.
So here goes some ramblings.
Life is very routine here, and when people ask me things like "How are you?" or "What's new?", I have very little to answer. Which isn't to say things aren't good - in fact, I like my routine a lot - but it is very routine and therefore seems like not much to talk about.
I'm feeling pretty good about what I do and the people I spend time with. Not that I "do" much, since my days tend to be rather long. And the days when I get home "early" at 7, I value for having the time to myself (w/ the computer, of course).
I love being in Yerushalaim. There are so many wonderful things about this city. It's beautiful. It's so Jewish. I love the feeling I get walking through the streets here. Of course, there are less-good things about this city - walking uphill in almost every direction, the security worries, etc.
I still haven't really gotten the hang of cooking for myself - mostly 'cause I'm just too lazy. Seeing Adiv's lunches every day, I've decided I want a wife to cook for me. (Can you send me food from Scotland, dear?) And so since I don't do so much cooking (I eat a lot of sandwiches, since those are quick to make and easy to carry to the Yeshivah for the 1 or 2 meals I eat there every day), I haven't really gotten the feel for how much I need or will eat in a given time period yet. Well, maybe next year...
Elections here were interesting. Lots of talk about it, but relatively little presence in the streets, from what I heard from people who have been here for previous elections. Lots of posters, though. Every bus stop and public bulletin board. It will now be interesting to see exactly what coalition forms and what comes of it.
Ok, I guess that's enough out of me for now.
And, as I've said before, EMAIL ME!! I promise to try to respond in a somewhat reasonable time frame.
pickamuffin, I think this means that I actually miss your forever-long ramblings...