Mass Effect 3: After the End

Mar 21, 2012 19:41

This is my own head-canon for what happens after ME3. I have tried to stay within what happened in game, while at the same time make the endings just a little less depressing. It is still a work in progress, and I wouldn't mind everyone's opinion on how to flesh it out more.

Edit: Some new information has recently come to light from Pax, and I have ( Read more... )

mass effect, fanon

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tov01 March 26 2012, 15:46:51 UTC
Yeah, it's a lot to digest at once, isn't it?

The speed of 12 light years a day came straight from the mass effect wiki. Since the ships have to refuel all the time until the fuel depots are rebuilt, I cut this speed in half to 6 light years a day over long distances.

As for the travel times, I found a map of the Mass Effect galaxy on deviant art, and made my best guess from there. I since realized that the map probably isn't to scale (I already knew Arcturus wasn't, but it ended up being worse than I thought), so my estimates might be a bit too generous. I'll look at it more closely later.

Finally, yes, I did make up both Denovia and Tantalus. I had quite a bit of fun finding names for them. The name Tantalus fit with the Dextro planet, as it is full of food that Humans can't eat, similar to the fate of the mythical Tantalus. As for Denovia, I had heard someone comment that the planet looked like Jurassic Park, so I wanted to name it something old without making it obvious. I ended up naming it after the Denovian Geologic Period, and the system name is shortened from Paleozoic.


raelynae March 27 2012, 05:29:32 UTC
Knowing the inspiration for your planet names makes my day.


tov01 March 28 2012, 02:02:29 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you appreciate it.


alias_sqbr March 27 2012, 07:43:59 UTC
The wiki has exact distances to a lot (all?) of the systems, but it didn't occur to me to use an image of the galaxy map to get a rough idea which ones to look at. Combining the two should be good for planning/measuring routes (though now I've been distracted by working out the details for an Indoctrination ending, lol)

Yeah, I guess that was what you were doing with Denovia/Zoic after googling. The meaning behind Tantalus didn't occur to me though, nice.


tov01 March 28 2012, 02:07:38 UTC
I haven't found any mention of distances in the Wiki, at least not yet, so if you saw something I didn't I would love to see it. I based my initial estimates on the fact that the Horse Head Nebula is 1500 light years, which I estimated was 250 days travel away (which I rounded up to a year). However, I later noticed that the Hourglass Nebula is on the other side of the galaxy, when in fact it is only 8000 light years away. That clued me in that the scales are really out of whack. When I get around to redoing it, I will probably estimate the distances as a fraction of the diameter of the galaxy.


alias_sqbr March 28 2012, 11:09:54 UTC
I poked about a bit, and it turns out I happened across one of the few places that does get a distance, most don't. But for example the Hourglass Nebula has it's distance mentioned:


tov01 March 28 2012, 15:54:41 UTC
Yeah, that is the distance to the real life Hourglass Nebula, which in game is no where near where it's supposed to be. So either there is another nebula going by that name, or Bioware screwed up their map.


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