Ruin and Resolve, Charity Anthology, available on December 28

Dec 22, 2009 19:18

   Given all that the Philippines has been through in the last two months, September 2009 might seem a lifetime away to some of us. Yet the damage from Ondoy and Pepeng still remains, and in the coming year the typhoons will return, as they always do. As Filipinos, as writers, as Spec Fic lovers, we want to do our part to help those who are still recovering from the storms, and to support those who will be at the vanguard of future relief efforts.

Last October, I sent out a limited call for submissions for Ruin and Resolve, an ebook anthology which Rocket Kapre would put up for sale, donating any profits received to the Philippine National Red Cross. Seventeen heeded that call, and in the span of less than three months, we've managed to compile nineteen stories and five poems, to offer as an incentive for those who want to share their blessings, especially during the Christmas season. On December 28 (fingers crossed) the anthology will go on sale at, and I'll need everyone's help to get the word out. But for now, I've set up a book page for Ruin and Resolve (ignore the sample and mediakit portions for now) with the table of contents and the cover image (artwork provided free of charge by the awesome Artspice! Studios) of which I've provided a larger version below.

For those not familiar with Philippine mythology, the characters from left to right are: A Nuno, a normal(?) girl, a robot and a Kapre.

The list of stories/poems and authors is on the book page. Once again guys - December 28, don't forget!

ondoy, rocket kapre, ruin and resolve, charity

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