'do you have a chicken for my table?'

Aug 11, 2004 19:33

Yes. Well.

As I've locked myself in my room, gaining an hour or so of solace by claiming to be taking a very long, bubbly, and self-involved bath (these are the times where having the ex-master suite in my house is quite a nice little deal) I decided that since I've been so lax with my updates, I should probably do another one pretty soon.

And right after this I'm changing my xanga skin. I only want paid account for the icon storage space and everyone knows it. My site looks dumb right now. *aggravation* I even liked the butterfly one better, and I thought it was pretty crappy.

Okay. So the last few days have been decreed 'family vacation week', wherein my family and I attempt to participate in 'wholesome family fun' without killing each other. Yeah. So far, so good. So on...em...when family week began (I have no perception of time. *sigh*) we went ice-skating. It might have been Friday, I'm not too sure of the days of the week. But if it was friday, then we spent both friday and saturday ice-skating. There was this one chick that was making some pitiful attempt to look cool by skating around the novices' rink in some sequiny tutu from the disco era.

Yeah, I laughed when she fell on her ass. So what?

That wasn't all that exciting. Ice skating's fun, but I have to listen to my younger siblings fucking whine about EVERYTHING, like how it's too cold, how they're dumb, how they 'CAN'T ICE SKATE BECAUSE I'M STUPID AND I WANT TO DIE! (my youngest brother)' and how they're thirsty and want to stop for a soda.


So. The more exciting parts of family fun week are soon to ensue, because on Sunday I went horseback riding with my family, and - get this - the little kids had to stay inside because they'd never ridden before. Ha! Dad stayed in with them, so mom and I just rode trails around the place. Lots of fun; and I did learn to ride a Western saddle. It was kind of hard, just because the place where I take lessons only does English-saddle instruction (because, I don't know, I think they're snotty or something), which is actually a lot more difficult for beginners. Managing all the different parts of the bridle, saddle, and whatnot takes more presence of mind than most seven-year-olds have, if you know what I mean.

Western riding, you basically just use your dominant hand to steer.

So after I freaked about me-not-having-control-of-the-horse-because-I'm-not-using-two-hands-on-the-reins it was actually a lot of fun. The poses to take for different gaits of the horse were still the same (god, I hate trotting on horses, because you have to post, which is this weird little demented boost you do with your feet in the stirrups which makes it easier for you to keep your seat during a trot. Or something. Personally, I prefer either a canter, a gallop, or a fucking walk. Don't give me this trotting shit. ;) ) Apparently, my mom lived near a stable once as a kid and worked currying horses and whatnot for money in the summer. Cool.

There's lots of things I want to know about my parents. They never talk to me and it's annoying. I want to have cool stuff to tell people. You know?

So. The next day was filled with Soonou's Beach Adventures. Which were pretty damn cool, if I do say so myself. The swimming part wasn't all that exciting, though I did find one really strange-looking shell that looked like a shoehorn (dad said it was an oyster but I didn't believe him) and then the inner curl of a nautilus, which was really neat. I have them both on my desk as I'm typing this.

My parents gave me some money and told me to go putz around on the little boardwalk and the surrounding town and to be back by twelve. So I go, right? And then I see this guy pulling up in a hearse, right? He asks the gas-station guy to fill the tank, gives him a credit card, and then walks into the convenience store thing to get himself a coffee or whatever. It piqued my curiosity, because I don't see hearses that often, and I investigate them when I do, if given the chance. Plus, his hands looked nice. Some of you may not know this, but the first thing I notice about someone is their hands, the fingers, the shape of the palm, and whatnot. If I don't like the shape of your hands I generally tend to avoid talking to you. Don't know why. Just do.

So anyway, he had one of the two hand shapes that I really like, which is long palms with almost spiderlike fingers (kind of like Pascal's, you know?). People that have those kind of hands generally tend to fit into two categories: they're either extremely good-natured and extroverted, or they're people that only want a little bringing out. Either way, people with that kind of hand shape generally tend to end up being close friends of mine, so I decided to pursue the issue. Because I was bored and nothing on the boardwalk really looked all that intriguing. Maybe that's because it was a boardwalk.... (Laugh at my horrible pun. Laugh, damn you!)

Okay, so I go into the store, right? And the guy just orders his coffee, yak, yak, whatever. I wasn't paying attention. Oh, by the way, he had another characteristic that I tend to like in people - the wearing of a leather jacket. Not that I hate the cow population of the world, or anything, I just like wearing leather jackets. I don't know if that's a little dominatrix streak or if I'm gothic or what, I like my leather jackets. I have two. As you know.

And they were both really inexpensive, too. *gloaty gloat*

So I compliment his jacket, which gets us into a train of conversation upon the merits of leather in general. From there, we moved onto several more interesting topics, including Doom 3 (I played it at Ben's house, and it ROCKS), how much certain kinds of hip hop suck, and how much better Dunkin Donuts is than Starbucks. We were in the middle of our coffee debate (he prefers Starbucks and I think they're really stupid) when he realized that he still had a job to do. *sweatdrop*

We exchange IMs so that we can finish our little coffee debate. (We did, by the way, and left it at a draw. However, I did succeed in pointing out that their word for large, 'ventie', or whatever the fuck it is, is not actually a word. Which was cool.) The freaky part was that I thought he looked kind of like one of the people I roleplay, who's this really tall, pale, thin dude with a thing for dark clothing. The RP character's name is Torou, and this guy's name was Taoru, but they're pronouced exactly the same way.

I mean, come on. What're the chances of that?

So I manage to work out that he's only a couple years older than me (he's about to turn either 18 or 19, I honestly can't remember, and I'm about to turn 15) and then the gas-station dude comes in and gives him back his credit card, and I get my little iced mocha latte thingy from dunkin donuts. He says bye, and I walk out, drinking my coffee. Within ten minutes, I've run into the next Occupation Of My Time (OoMT, for short): a random group of Australian dudes on a trip with their school.

Two things I have to say about this:

1) Anyone who knows me also knows that there are certain people that I absolutely love meeting. Like, for example, people that read manga, or people that listen to Tori. Amongst these groups are Australian people, just because their attitude about the world is so funny. Australians that I've met are very laid-back, in general, which is a nice change from the uptight dorkwads that I have to deal with in everyday life.

2) They come to the United States to see culture and history, and they come to the New Jersey shore. What the hell? They said it was just a day trip on the way to New York from Philly and D.C., but I think that's a lie from their mouths.

So, by way of introductions and tacit agreement, I accompanied them around for the rest of the afternoon, killing aliens and racing cars at various games on the boardwalk. I killed this one guy at bumper cars, by the way. Almost gave him a fucking concussion. Lots of fun.

At the end of the day they had to leave on their trip and I had to go back to my car, which actually kind of sucked. Since no paper was to be had, one of the people took a marker and wrote his e-mail on my arm. I can still kind of see it since it was a semipermanent marker, which, coincidentally, I didn't know they had. But whatever.

So then I went home, and then today a couple things happened which I don't feel like writing about because it's thunderstorming and I want off the computer.


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