(no subject)

Jul 29, 2006 12:03

So, I realized that it's probably been about a year since I discovered fandom. That in itself was a strange thought--that I've been doing this for a year of my life is bizarre, it doesn't feel that long--but it got me to thinking other strange thoughts. Thus, we have my first...

When I started with this business, I was a Harry/Draco junkie. I wrote hurt/comfort; I wrote fluff. I fully bought into the "Hatred=UST" idea. I believed that if you gave them time, Harry and Draco would realize their passion, buy a house, and whisper sweet nothings to each other. I was that kind of writer.

Then I discovered shoebox_project, and immediatley became a Remus/Sirius shipper of the same sort. My early Remus/Sirius stories were a bit better, if only because they're a little bit more believable when it comes to fluff.

And then...I don't know. I joined wtf_drarry and stopped ficcing for a while. By the time I started again, I'd changed a lot as a person (not from the game, just from...life, I suppose) and my writing changed. I started writing darker, more realistic fic. I started reading darker, more realistic fic as well, and discovered that it's much, much better.

I like writing rarepairs and incest better then mainstream pairings now. I rarely, if ever, start a Harry/Draco; I still enjoy writing Sirius/Remus, but with more of a focus on the tragedy that would have tainted their relationship. I'm about halfway through a long Sirius/Regulus, which has been fantastic to write; the character studies are much more involved when you aren't writing what it is you'd like in your own life.

I think that's the difference, really. I was unsure about myself and what kind of relationships I'd have, and thus wrote stories about characters who lived happily ever with love and support and all that rot. Once I stopped worrying about that (read: realized I didn't want it. How cloying, being that sappy and fake all the time) my writing improved.

And. Yes. Anyone have similar experiences? That was the point of the post, before I got all sidetracked and wacky.

For those of you who didn't feel like reading, the only bit you really need to know is that I'm about halfway through a long Sirius/Regulus. Beta, anyone? Please? (Kirby, this request does not apply to you, because you don't have a choice :D )

Oh, and, completely randomly, I took five fabulous icons from spessartine. I don't know why this makes news, except for the fact that I've been looking for a specific kind of icon forever and am ecstatic that I found them.
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