relive the disaster

Nov 20, 2004 10:44

a lot has happened since i last updated this (i think i actually tried to make a huge update once, but livejournal decided it wasn't worthy and wouldn't let me update). i am becoming increasingly more busy (which i mind and i don't). a few important points...

- became the master of my own destiny at work. all while slacking my way to the top of the heap. fuck it.
- phone is no longer operational, but may be sooner or later.
- our bills are fucking huge this month for a supposed "hurricane readjustment" and because the toilet was broken and just continuously ran water all night for like a fucking week. sweetness abounds.
- played a short mini tour with dead to fall. having only really known karim and jon for decent amount of time, was pleasantly surprised about how amazingly awesome the other dudes were. seriously some of the most fun i ever had. and daytona was beyond cathartic. i had never felt so good playing a show and i think my home for doing that for me.
- on the other hand, orlando was a huge disappointment, while naples was a huge surprise.
- missed darkest hour (again), this time not because of a natural disaster. asked if they had a spot open over the summer so that i might be able to do a photo project on the trip.
- a game of you has the chance to play some of the martyr a.d. shows. awesome.
- the other side of the sky asked me to go on tour with them this summer. need to hammer out my schedule.
- other things that don't need to be in livejournal.

i'm still worn out and happy to be home, but i want to leave again. it's the dichotomy that drives.
i need silk nog.
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