Feb 01, 2009 00:10
I feel like I'm floating, lost in space, deep in the darkness between stars
what am I feeling, and how is this so?
I don't understand what's happening to me, but they say I should let it.
Even my mother seems to support all this.
I'm so confused, but I'm not ready for the daylight yet.
I can hardly see the stars, but Venus hasn't left me yet.
I'm so glad for her gracious light.
I wonder what the ancients thought so long ago, of their gods and goddesses?
I'd have loved to join their festivities and rites.
They seem so much better than this world where everything is cheap and worthless.
There was so much wonder back then! The stars ever glorius!
The rain, both blessing and curse... but never something trivial.
The ocean tides held their private magick and life was something more than precious.
Maybe I do dream too much. but if constant disappointment is the price, then maybe I can get used to it.
I love all my dreams. Even my nightmares.
At least everything means something to me. Afterall, what else do I have?
I guess I'll just float a little while longer.