
Mar 03, 2017 00:06

I had another chemotherapy treatment this past Tuesday, February 28.  About ten minutes into my infusion, my entire head suddenly felt super hot.  I dinged the bell (the nurse had given me) to alert her that I was having a "reaction" to the medication.  Several people showed up to help.  One nurse said my head looked like a tomato (it was so red).  I was given an intravenous solution of hydrocortisone.  It's an anti-inflammatory and it made the heat subside in about twenty minutes.  After that my normal chemo infusion began again.

Today I have joint and muscle aches and pains and pain in my gut area.  This has happened before and is a side effect of the chemotherapy.  It should go away in about four or five days.

My hair is about 95 percent gone now.  I wear a hat in public.  My sense of taste is diminished as has my appetite.


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