For some reason, this year the maple tree samaras (seeds) are colored differently. At least the ones on our tree are. They've always been just green. This year they're sort of brownish or reddish-brown and green. I don't know why. A symptom of climate change maybe?
Yesterday was warm and sunny for most of the day. I finally got around to planting some tomato and bell pepper seeds in small pots. They'll stay indoors mostly, until later this month when I'm sure we won't be getting any freezing temps for a long time. Then I'll transplant the seedlings into large containers outdoors so they can finish growing and produce fruit.
I also planted some lettuce seeds in a large container outside. I've read that lettuce is a cool weather crop, so I'm hoping that it won't mind the cool evenings we're still getting for the next few weeks. I planted a pot of California poppy seeds as well. We had a flood of rain in the late evening and I hope it doesn't drown the seeds.