Jan 30, 2012 05:21
I finished reading Stephen King's 11/22/63 a few hours ago. I'm still reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle as well as listening to some of his recordings on CD and DVD. It was strange to be immersed partially in King's world of the 1960s while trying to follow Tolle's advice to stay in the present moment.
The King book ended differently than what I'd been hoping for, but it was still enjoyable. I'll give my copy to my brother, who is a Stephen King fan, if he doesn't already own the book.
It's snowing out now, and I shoveled the driveway last night around 10:30. I might have to shovel again in an hour or so.
My Mom's still not talking to me. It's pretty bizarre to live with the silent treatment for so many weeks. I can't change someone's core nature and I keep reminding myself that it's better to just accept things for the way they are.
stephen king,
eckhart tolle