Note: So in game, it isn't really clear what kind of powers Therese and Jeanette have; it is clear that they are Malkavian, and those vampires operate with three basic diciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, and Dementation. So, in the interest of not being a jerk and saying JEANETTE AND THERESE CAN DO EVERY POWER EVER, I'm going to pick and choose a few that I think would be interesting from each discipline. Questions? Comments? Shoot! No powers will be used on other characters without permission, of course <3
[.] Heightened Senses: The vampire can sharpen any or all of her senses, at will, for as long as she wants. However, traumas caused by sensory overload (IE very bright lights, loud noises, etc) while in this state last much longer.
[.] Telepathy: The vampire may read a target’s mind. The thoughts perceived are in a stream-of-consciousness form, which reflects that reading minds is usually easier than understanding what is being read.
[.] Babble: The vampire can converse with a number of other targets, and a number of additional Malkavians (or similarly deranged individuals), at any distance. However, all such communications must be spoken aloud, at the same volume as would be necessary to be heard if the speaker was in the same setting as the listener.
[.] Cloak of Shadows: The vampire may be unnoticed by most, by hiding completely motionless in a shadow, or in a place that puts an object (not necessarily an object big enough to hide behind) between herself and others who might see her
[.] Scrawl: The vampire may write a message that will only be understood by Malkavians, or only by a single Malkavian, though to encrypt it for a single Malkavian, she must know the true name of that Malkavian’s sire. No other characters will even recognize the writing as a form of communication, let alone be able to decipher it. This power is exempt from possible detection by higher Auspex, psychic powers, etc.
[.] Passion: This makes the victim feel more emotional about everything. Whatever the victim currently feels is doubled or tripled in intensity. The vampire has no control over exactly what the person feels. This power may even work on other vampires.
[.] Mind Tricks: The vampire is able to induce hallucinations within the victim's peripheral vision. The images appear to be fully real, but they can only be seen for a second or out of the comer of the eye. The victim will have a hard time convincing others of what she sees. The vampire causing this effect has no control over what the victim sees. The unnerving effects from the use of this power can last from one night to months. The effects occur sporadically but mostly at night, and usually when the person is alone. They usually take the form of the victim's subconscious fears.
[.] Confusion: The vampire can make her victim feel totally disoriented just by looking him in the eye and talking to him. The victim will be aware of only bits and pieces of his memories. He will constantly feel confused and wander around in a daze.
NOTE: IN THE CASE OF ROLEPLAYS TAKING PLACE IN A DRESSINGROOM TYPE RP: If I have a special plot in mind, I may pull other powers from the Dementation discipline, however this will always be discussed with the other player :)