Dec 27, 2014 15:52

Tour Diaries is a celebrity roleplaying game centered around the lives of musicians. We also accept, actors, models, photographers and other 'celebrities' (offline and online - but within reason). We are an ol' fashioned celebrity RP and do not have a set plot -- the storylines are up to you are your character. The only thing that we ask is that you maintain some sort of realism.

Slash and heterosexual lines are welcome.


1. OOC drama is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with someone, you are more than welcome to talk to a moderator so that we may mediate. Check your attitude at the door and don't be a dick OOC.

2. We prefer storybook-style scening. As a roleplayer it is your responsibility to put in effort and contribute toward moving a scene forward. If you are distracted or simply have writer's block, the best thing that you can do is be honest with the person you are scening with. If you are having problems with a scene partner who is not contributing, please let a moderator know so that we can speak with that player.

3. Female pregnancy is allowed. As of right now, you do not need a mod's approval. However, no more than one pregnancy per year. Twins are the limit. You must discuss this decision with your storyline partner before an announcement is made. Mpreg is not permitted. Adoption is allowed. Same-sex couples may also consider surrogacy options with a female character in the community or a NC.

4. It is your responsibility to research your character! Research your city! Research, research, research. Try to be as true to your character as you possibly can. You should have some kind of grasp on your character's personality. You should know what projects your character has been or is currently a part of. You should know where your actor is filming or when your musician is on tour. Not saying that you should stick to this strictly - because things happen, and as your storyline progresses, I'm sure that exceptions and changes will be made, but once again - please maintain some sort of realism to your character!

5. Each person may play up to TWO characters at this time. This is not just a silly rule -- this is for your benefit. Additionally, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that your characters are distinguishable. Don't play the same person with two different screen names.

6. You must have a character journal to join the community, but you are not obligated to use it every day. Introduction posts are important so that members know that you're there and get a feel for your character's personality. We do encourage you to check your Friends Page for updates from the moderators and from your fellow members. Please use your journals as your characters, but also feel free to make OOC updates regarding your availability if you need to. If you are going to be gone for a week, let us know! If you're only going to have time between 6:00 and 8:00 PST to scene for a couple of weeks, please let us know! You may also create a Twitter for your character!

7. If you decide to leave, please let a mod know that you're leaving so that we can remove your screen name from taken lists and let other community members know not to contact you. Leaving a journal entry is also encouraged, but no need to be obnoxious or bitter. Similarly, if you are dropping a character but staying in the community as someone else, just let a modetator know. You will have a one day grace period to change your mind before the character becomes available again.

9. Last but not least... It's just a game! Don't get butthurt when things don't go your way.

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