Title: Living The Dream
manicdakGenre: romance
Pairing(s): Chuck/Edna
Rating: Teen/Adult
Word Count: 1,089
Summary: Having been asked to play in the Newburg Festival Chuck and the rest of his Funky Chicken band mates are finally getting to live their dream. Chuch being Chuck means it doesn't go exactly smoothly but they wouldn't change it for anything
At sound check that morning Chuck still wanted to pinch himself. He couldn’t believe that in a few hours the thing he had dreamed about his whole life was finally going to come true. This afternoon the Funky Chicken was going to play live in front of thousands of people at the Newburg Festival and life did not get any better than that.
He ran his fingers through his blonde curly hair and looked over to where Louis was tuning his guitar. It could be just any other day, any other practise, but even though the motions were the same the significance was different. In hours they were going to walk on the same hallowed ground as their idols. How many other people could say that?
Chuck had been telling everyone he knew, and some he didn’t, about their big break. He wanted to run around waving his arms in the air and shouting “Yeah, baby!” at the top of his lungs. In fact, when he’d first found out he’d done just that but then Edna had slapped him and he’d felt a lot better. At least that was what he’d told her whilst inside he was doing a little jig.
Would he lose cool points if he admitted that out loud? There was press about and he was finding that his mouth was talking before his brain had truly caught up with what was going on. In an interview an hour ago he’d wondered what the hell he was thinking when he recounted the time Louis tried on high heels and tripped over his feet and nearly took out his cousin’s Steinway.
That paled into insignificance when he’d told the hot chick flirting with Louis that the first night Louis had got Emily (his Gibson guitar) he’d slept with it. Chuck wasn’t quite sure why she hadn’t thought that was freaky but what did he know about groupies? Louis hadn’t quite seen the funny side of that. When this was all over he’d have to buy Louis a beer so they could chill and reminisce about the best moment of their careers so far.
In fact Chuck wouldn’t be adverse to doing it now, anything to stop him thinking about what they were about to do. What if it all went horribly wrong and he forgot the words to the song? That would be like, a total nightmare, and he would have to live as a recluse for the rest of his life!
Edna brushed up against him and he turned to look at her. “Stop worrying,” she said. “Everything will be fine.”
“That’s easy for you to say, babe, all you need to do is go out and look gorgeous.”
She raised an eyebrow and Chuck was thankful that was all she did, especially since there was a drumkit at the back of the stage. Instead she surprised him by reaching up and pressing her lips to his. “You’ll be fine,” Edna murmured. “Failing that Louis can just get naked.”
“In none of my fantasies does Louis get naked.”
She laughed and he felt himself relax again. Her hand ran along his beard and he smiled at her. “Maybe you need to get some new fantasies,” she teased. “He’s got a nice butt.”
If any of his fantasies involved Louis getting naked he’d definitely need a lot of therapy. He glanced across at Louis, maybe they’d both need a lot of therapy. He saw the twinkle in Edna’s eye and rolled his eyes. She laughed and he pulled her close for a proper kiss, wanting to taste the joy.
Fingers tangled in her short, dark brown hair and he felt her open her mouth under his. She was all heat and passion and home. He couldn’t get enough of her even though she was very skilled at driving him crazy. She was a force of nature and when she moved back, nipping his lip gently, Chuck couldn’t be entirely sure which way was up. Her smile dazzled him and he was unable to tear his gaze away as she sauntered in the direction of the drinks. “Oh man, you’ve got it bad.”
Chuck blinked and turned to face Louis. “Shut up!”
Louis merely laughed at him which made him scowl. “Whatever, dude.”
Chuck collapsed in a hot sweaty mess in the plastic chair in the artist’s area. Fuck, that had been impressive, he was still buzzing. The sound of Louis hollering as they’d got off the stage was still ringing in his ears and he wondered how anything was every going to come close to this moment. It was perfection, a rare moment of cosmic alignment that had left him feeling more alive than he’d ever felt in his life before. “That was...” Edna said.
“Yeah,” Louis answered.
That’d been, hands down, the most fun he’d ever had with his clothes on and the crowd had been magnificent. They’d been singing and cheering and demanding more just like they had every dream he’d ever had about a night like this.
Enda pushed off her green hat and ran her fingers through slightly damp hair. With the setting sun behind her, Chuck was certain he’d never in his life before seen such an incredibly sight. She turned to look at him, her face all flushed from performing, and smiled at him again. He dragged himself out of the chair and over to where she was standing. His lips brushed hers lightly. “You were fantastic,” he said and meant it with every fibre of his being.
He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her and he was pretty sure that had been true of every person watching them. He bent and picked up her hat. “Thanks.”
She sounded breathless but happy. Chuck turned and plonked Edna’s hat on Louis’ head. Louis didn’t look best pleased when they both burst out laughing. “Let's go watch the crowd some more,” Edna suggested.
“Sounds good,” Louis said.
She reclaimed her hat and the snuck around to watch the huge crowd as they swayed to the melody of the song the performing band was playing. “We’ve got to come back next year,” Louis said.
Chuck put an arm around Edna and brought her close as the trio let the energy of the crowd wash over them. They were living the dream now and nothing was going to get in their way. This was only going to be the beginning and next year it was going to be even better.