Dear Yuletide writer,
Firstly, I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this written. Secondly, if we've been matched on a fandom that doesn't have youtube links I'd just like to say that's more a reflection on fandom size rather than my preference for fic in those fandoms over the other two.
I appreciate well written fic and I'm picky about BDSM fics so probably best to avoid that. I have no problem with AUs or holiday fics though I prefer fics not to be overly fluffy and I don't like non con written as sex.
Normally my preference is for slash though I've requested a lot of het this year, but gen is ok too if that's more your thing. I'm also not adverse to other members of the respective teams turning up either (or references to them old or new).
I've seen most of Rescue: Special Ops, I think I've seen most of M.A.S.K, by Christmas I will have seen all of season 2 of Rookie Blue and I've seen season 1 & 2 of NCIS:LA.
Rescue: Special Ops (Lara/Dean, Heidi/Jordan (or maybe a little Chase/Jordan?))
One of the reasons I love Rescue: Special Operations is because it's a good ensemble cast. The characters all work well together event if some of them are more prone to getting into trouble than others. If you'd prefer to write about just one character that'd be fine too, it only just occurred to me that I could've clicked any.
Episode 1:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Or as one video
hereEpsiode 13
herePlaylist is
here and
here M.A.S.K. (Matt/Gloria)
The episode that sticks with me most is Magma Mole which can be found on youtube videos
here and
here. Quality's not the best, especially when compared to the HD
Intro I'd really love something related to this epsiode, either post episode (or post defeat of VENOM) or something that changes in their relationship as a result of what happens. If you'd prefer to write something else then that's also great :)
Rookie Blue (Andy/Sam, Traci/Jerry)
I love the progression on this, how they've developed from Rookies to the end of season 2.
Traci/Jerry wise the things that stick out most in my mind are Jerry being forced to shave off his facial hair and being less bothered about it once Traci said she liked it, him being a bit over the top when he found out she had a kid trying to convince her he was cool with it (which I'm not sure he's got much better at with the whole car thing but his intentions are good) and when Traci was on desk duty reminding Frank that she wanted to be there in the s1 season finale I think it was.
Sam/Andy wise I like how he's there to support her when she needs it even if it's to his detriment (like in s1 with Luke). Sometimes he's there to challenge her ideas and he seems to know what it is she needs even when Andy's in denial about the whole thing.
NCIS:Los Angeles (Sam/G)
I love the strong characters in this series and how they work well together (eventually). I love Sam and Callen's partnership and how they compliment each other. I love how Sam is all about being a SEAL whereas Callen is a bit of an urban legend for being a ghost. I like how Callen complained when Sam planned a holiday without him, and how he didn't appreciate it when Sam was talking about how SEALs are like a brotherhood forged in fire and how Sam has Callen's back even when Callen is trying his best to be a lone wolf. It was interesting to see Sam's reaction to Callen's absence when Mo died and at the end of season 2 when he turned in his badge to follow Callen to Prague.