wow, just really a good ep...

Aug 07, 2010 18:50

Oh wow, what an ep...

So it's apparently the end of Daddy Sonozaki...

I didn't catch til it was mentioned that Indy-lady is Mele from GekiRanger, no wonder I had found her familiar before. She was useful, being a wild card of sorts and stealing the one thing needed for the Impact.

Akiko was useful for once too in the main plot things, getting Shou out of the Terror-Field induced on him by Ryubei. It freaked me out that Shou was going insane trying to apparently fight it though, but every little thing would set him off... And Terui wasn't much better, out for most of the ep after getting munched on in the last ep. He struggles out of bed and gets his revenge on the dragon as Shou and Phillip MEMORY-BREAK Terror-Daddy.

Wow, Ryubei, weird way to show affection for your family, reliving the happier family memories even as you first hug your son before pushing him into Gaia, and then setting up your daughter to get warped by Xtreme... After his Memory broke, he ran into the Museum and again relived memories as he laughed, the mansion collapsing and burning around him.

YAY Mommy Sonozaki _finally_ accepts Shou, as she tells Phillip not to forget Shou, which he relayed through the phone call to Shou. I think that helped them both a lot since it helped Shou to get over the Field, and then be able to recall Phillip once he got tossed into Gaia. :D We also had Shou/Phillip arm-grab too, when Phillip looked like he was about to run after Daddy(and Wakana). ^_^

And looks like things are being set up for them to go after Foundation X, as it looked like in the preview that Kazu was carrying Wakana and was gonna do the Impact thing anyway with Saeko. I'm not sure what exactly happened to Wakana after Xtreme-bird/Phillip broke out of her Dopant form, so I dunno if she's still corrupted or if she perhaps went back to her normal self...

Three more eps to go...

kamen rider w, kamen

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