It took me a while, but I've started watching series before DekaRanger, which is the earliest series I've seen all of. Well, actually I shouldn't say that - I've seen most of TimeRanger and Abaranger, but not really finished either series yet. I probably will finish them eventually, but for now my attention is on Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger which was aired basically in the 2001 season. Seen the first 20 eps of it so far, and despite some of the bad CGI of the time, it's actually a decent show in terms of plot and characters.
GaoRanger is interesting that they don't use their names to address each other, only their Colors. It was something Yellow decided, being all military-person and the first-chosen and all. Though it was SO amusing - Tetomu just appears on his jet one day, she's like 'OH HAI, taking a ride on your jet, ya mind?? WHEEEE" and he's screaming in horror... :D :D Yellow gets on my nerves a bit at times(not as much as Ryuunosuke in Shinkenger), but I really like his eps because he has to confront himself and his feelings. I really felt for him when Loki took the Bear Jewels, he let out that pain-filled scream and is raging at himself because he thinks he is still weak. I'm amused he swears in English, though that seems to be all he does even though I've read he can speak English fluently(I know, not far in the series, but...)
I do like how Red/Kakeru can use his animal-affinity to communicate with animals, and it was an interesting touch on the plot for him to try to find out why the Baddies are rampaging. Didn't work of course, but it sorta goes along with later when Natsuki's trying to find out about her bracelet in BouKenger. I do like him, he's an interesting Red who was thrust into it sorta like Tatsuya in TimeRanger and Jan in Geki, and like them, decides he wants to help("I'm a Veterinarian!"). His eps have been interesting, from when he tried to communicate to when he lost his memory. He's also the one who tries to keep up everyone's spirits when Loki's taking the Jewels, though I'm hoping they break Loki's curse before he takes the other Jewels(I know I'm getting close to that, but still).
I'm lumping Blue and Black together because I think they are the token-pairing in this series... *smirks* From ep 4 on, it may be only fan-girling-picking out, but there's so many little hints for the fangirls, I think. I do like Blue/Kai, he's very interesting. Everyone calls him 'kid' and pokes at him a bit for wanting to go off to do stuff, but he keeps people going, along with Kakeru. As for Black... Soutarou is amusing at times, and basically does what Blue tells him sometimes, but he tends to go off if he spots some 'Golden Star' lady.
White/Sae can certainly make a spot for herself even though she's the only female, aside from Tetomu on the team. She's not like Saki/Go-On Yellow, who was constantly upstaged and didn't really do much to stand out, but yet not like Natsuki's actress either who showed she can play around with the character, sorta in the middle. I do like that she dosn't give up and has her martial arts training to back her up if she can't do much with the Henshin-stuff. Tetomu - I do like her, though she's a bit naive since she spends almost all her time inside Gao-Rock. She can hold her own in a fight also, and her thing with electrical devices is amusing. I have a feeling she'll have more in the plot as I go along...
For the Baddies, TsueTsue and Yabaiba make the show more then the Highness-Orgs. I esp like TsueTsue, her actress is really good for playing the evil sorceress-type as well as the disguises she does. I can see why they brought her back for the BouKenger Vs Super Sentai show, even though she'd been in the first Super Sentai movie. Yabaiba... he's kinda amusing, but I can see the first glimpses of his 'uhh is this a good idea to work with the Highness-Orgs?'.
As for Loki himself -- WOW, I already know who he turns out to be and all, but WOW, I like his character and how he's going off against the GaoRangers when it suits him. He's also very noble, but will take on the Gao-people even if there's an opportunity(like Red having to fight him alone while the others went skipping in time, for example). I can see how he's like Volzard in Magi, and then feels like 'but why should I want to join you, I did horrible things and stole the Jewels and all??'. I can't wait til he is freed, I have a feeling he may get on my list of 'fav 6th rangers' (which BoukenSilver/Eiji is at the top of that as well as 'fav sentai characters' ^__^) but have to get there first. Speaking of which, I think I may snag from
terrierlee's topic from a few weeks ago and make up a listing for various sentai things at some point...
I think at some point I want to make more toku-sentai icons since I have some more empty slots now, but have to see how it goes.