OMG WTF DOES DECADE DO???? Be an Imagin of sorts? 0______0 And if you thought you saw the last of insane-Spider Fangire dude... *smirks*
Awww, the Hoppers disappeared, hopefully they and others are shown later through the series. I didn't recognize the other Riders shown in the Barrier before they disappeared, have to go back and look.
-LOLs at Tsukasa and Natsumi having to 'babysit' Onodera because of the whole 'photo shop supplanting his home/cafe', as well as the food-switching between Onodera and Tsukasa. :D At least Tsukasa has his own babysitter in the form of Natsumi, who shows with the 'secret techniques' she can handle him and his arrogance. ^_^
-Onodera finds out the reason why Tsukasa and Natsumi are there, in that they are traveling through the worlds in order to save their own. Onodera apparently met Narutaki/Aurora-dude who told him Decade was an evil person out to destroy everything.
-Guess they changed the alt-world another way in that Kuuga originally couldn't Henshin for two hours if he got hit with a massive burst or injured enough, and his armor changed to White Form. Now he's able to Henshin right away again.
-Tsukasa thought he could take on the Grongi Leader, Gamio, but he got overpowered and was about to get killed when Kuuga came through with the cool motorcycle riding. ^_^ Tsukasa has a weird scream though, it's a bit creepy but effective. I'm finding myself liking his voice, really.
-HU.... WAIT THE Faaaa was THAT?? Tsukasa went all sorta Imagin-like and pushed his hands through Kuuga's back, and turned him into GOURAM. 0______0 (excuse me for a moment while I clean up my hed-go-SPLODY over that...) Heh, kicks Grongi-butt, though I'm wondering, if those are humans-turned-Grongi(including the Piano-dude from Den-O and other Tokusatsu), maybe it's not a good idea to kill them?
-Nice double-teaming there between Onodera and Tsukasa, though of course the Leader sucks up the energy of the Grongi and goes all powerful and all. Actually, I think Onodera's all happy he can change into Gouram as he starts going off on Gamio. How fitting the Final Kuuga Attack is a Rider-Kick. :D
-Nooooes, the Ichijo-lady died. Feel bad for Onodera...though why does he have white-Kivat following him? That was a weird effect on the picture, which I think the Ojiisan noticed.
-Preview - YAY, YES! THEY GO TO KIVA NEXT! OMGLOL! SPIDER-FANGIRE IS BACK!!! AND SO IS ROOK! He visits kid-Wataru next time, who is able to turn into chibi-Kiva and who has also heard apparently from Narutaki that Decade is 'Akuma'... *blinks* and Onodera also comes into that world, have to see how. Hope we get to see Jiro, Ramon and Riki again, as well as Otoya and everyone. ^_^
Also waiting on the last ep of Go-onger, just so I can see a few things, including how they do the 'passing of the torch' part to Shinkenger. Yanno, with next week's ep going to Kiva-world, I really should finish KR Kiva though with homework and tests coming up, have to see if I can take a bit of time off to do so...