Dec 26, 2008 08:40
Oh, one thing I forgot to include in my post last night. I found out my grades from this past semester. Soils could have gone much better esp the final I'm sure I thoroughly bombed, I thought, but I'm lucky I ended up with a C in it. Was a pretty cool class though, I did learn quite a bit, and I'm planning on keeping my textbook like I did with my geology textbooks so I have it to refer to if needed.
Advanced Japanese ended with an A, so I guess I keep up with all my A's from taking Japanese at EKU. The thing though is that after this next semester, I dunno if there are any more classes to take, other then independent study courses. Maybe by then there'll be a chance for me to go to Japan again through school programs.
Nuclear science, well I'm not sure what 'AB' necessarily means if it's like A-/B+ or whatever. But at least it's helped my first GPA at my new school keep above 3.0. It was such a fun course, and very instructional, since we learned about the ways nuclear energy is made and used, the history of it including the natural reactors in Oklo, Africa, and all the ways the uses of it, from producing energy to irradiating a lot of ground from bomb testing, that have impacted our lives.
Next semester I start on my teacher certification, though I have the Praxis I test lined up so I can enter the program(though I can't really apply to the program until next spring). All I can do is take the first education class for now, though it gives me some time to get caught up on the chem and other classes I am interested in taking. For instance I'm going to be taking a biology class as well as the Japanese class I mentioned before.