Hey yall. A lot has happened since my last update (not the one showing my husband...I love you Hugh Jackman. Let's see my last update was prom which was in the beginning of April. Lets recap what has happend over the last month:
Work is still the same ol same ol though I am thinking of being transferred into a new department. Maybe digital imagining or even wireless.
School is almost over and so are AP tests. Calculus test and Biology down only Government to go.
Went to California with Choir a couple of weekends ago and it was excellent. We won first place in our division and best choir overall. It was great, I had to get the trophys which was cool too! And I guess that's it. Ummm I got my Nintnedo DS, along with two games, the phantom of the opera movie and the new mariah carey cd. I have also develeoped a new love for My Chemical Romance and that is t I guess. Ohh and yeah that's it....
So lets start a countdown shall we....
End of School = 9 days not including weekends/ 11 including
Last Choir concert = 6 days without weekends/ 8 including
Choir Awards Banquet = 9 days without/ 11 including
Birthday/ Senior Check out = 14 days...ill be legal
Graduation = 13 days not including weekends/17 days including
Phantom of the Opera = 43 days