Maybe one of the BEST days of SUMMER so far

Jun 17, 2006 15:47

Sooo yesterday was a pretty frickin SWEET day.
Woke up around 10 and cut the grass...which was 'ok'. I don't think I was happy at the time but hey it was goooooooood exercise :-) pushing the lawn mower up and down those damn dunes! ARG! then I go inside and my called and asked if I wanted to go to lunch (OF COURSE!) and turns out she called and left my sis a message...didnt' tell me (way to be) and then called my cell 2x but my sister and her SWEET (not) friends decided to go through my room and throw things everywhere.  Now my sister likes doing that by herself...but then she brought her friends and my room was really nice...i spent like a whole day straightening it out and moving furniture and stuff and there was like 3 shirts and a bra on my fan...awesome...and she threw my purse in a corner so when Meg came to PICK ME UP (with her DRIVERS LISCENSE) I couldn't find cell phone had some miss calls...some 6 voicemails (like 3 from Meg...glad I knew where my stuff was) and my sister got in trouble...she found my purse in my room...BUSTED! anyway

So we went to Crackers on Lakeside or Lakeshore IDK whatever and we took a little (little) walk and went to the Emporium where I bought fudge for my parents :-) and chocolate truffles for myself.  Then we drove by the beach and on the way we saw Torreson Marine which is where DAVE we decided to go and see if we could find them but they have like 5 buildings and we didn't want to search everywhere so we went into one asking for blue tarp (i need it for camp) and they didn't have any.  So we left without seeing Dave. :-(

Meg dropped me off and did like a 12 point turn to get out of my driveway. :-) I love you Megan

10 minutes later I made my way to the beach where Alison, Alex, Kurt, Matt and Sara were at.  It was a bit chilly.  No sun, and lots of sand.  So like a 1/2 hour later we went to Alison's for ice cream.  Dr. Banka had surgery on his knee and was watching soccer (of course).  I came in all happy and I hope I made him smile.  :-)  Ice cream was good.

Alison and I went to D.T. after that and just had a ton ton TON of fun.  Alison drove on the highway and I drove through Heights and was just great, I decided to tell Mike about my life story and geez...I don't even know it was a good time though.  Good time.

For Father's Day, my dad picked out a 65in plasma flat screen from all of us.  I got to use it tonight with some friends.  While calling everyone I called my big brother Egan as today was his 19th birthday!!! Left a message and continued on as Matt arrived.  We all were kinda hanging out and didn't know what movie to watch.  Kurt Matt and I went to Plumbs to get some junk food while Lucas Al, Liv and Alex and whoever else was around, David IDK watched the James Bond Maranthon on AMC.  We came back and ended up watching Be Cool.

Nobody see Colin Kolkema in John we watched parts of Grease so I could show them.  My mom and I ended up agreeing that you had to know him as a kid to see it...Lucas saw it, but we were in the same class in like 2nd grade together so yea...if you see pictures watch especially the "You're the One that I Want" scene and whenever Danny is gawking at Sandy...look @ the eyes and the chin for an 8 year old at least.

So everyone left...and I came up to the computer and started myspacing and such.  Around midnight I heard my cell phone start ringing so I ran to grab it so I wouldn't miss it...thinking it was a prank call or something from the soccer boys.  I picked it up and it was Egan!  So we chatted for a bit and then I went to bed.

Good Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Really good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stubenville is in less than a week!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!

I ended up moving Dance Camp to August which is alright. I'll probably have larger classes so that's awesome.

My parents have decided to send just us kids out to California so they could finish remodeling the kitchen and the dog and cat dont' have to go to my aunts and stuff.  So I believe July 4th or 5th (hopefully 5th...) we're heading out to San Francisco/Lake Tahoe (don't know where we're going) And we won't be coming home until the 19th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the 20th, my mom and I are leaving for camp to set up and get ready for the week.  We're actually going to add 3+ more rope courses and a zip line from the lodge into the water like I asked!!!! It's going to be a really good week despite the fact Scottie isn't coming back.  :-(  We're supposed to have about 40-50 kids...not sure until the end of this month.  Then we have 10-12 Counselors/Jr. Counselors/ Lifeguards, about 10 kitchen and regular staff...and then like 8 kids that are pretty little (cousins) that are staying with the grandparents *cuties*

The 1st and 2nd week of August I'm teaching dance and then the 3rd and 4th week I'm going to New York and I guess Boston now too to do some sightseeing!!! Then back to camp.  Go Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to do some colors but I had to hurry and type for I've got lots of Graduation parties to go to
I'll try updating more this summer



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