Jul 24, 2007 15:44
Finally I've a cute LJ x°D
I haven't big news to say, so, in this first post i describe myself.
FIRST OF ALL: Sorry for my bad English~
Then...konnichiwa minna-san ^.- I'm Sicchan...also called SimyRin, Simicchi, Barbie, Barbuta [the two last nickname are very strange, please, you don't call in that way x°DDDDD] etc...I'm an Italian girl, and I'm seventeen...
I'm a little bit crazy *_*' but it's all fault of the man of my life...Nishikido Ryo xDDD...I love him so much ç___ç <3
Anyway~...I like very much sweets, specially chocolate and cake...then I love cats...[not to eat xD] and also my friends, the MIKAN [a group of baka~girls x°D] , graphic, computer, music and go out...
So...what I could say? This is me.
darling: other,
lj: news