OMG, guys, LMAO.
I got an "A" in my drugs class. That makes my second A of the quarter. LMAO.
My other classes, I have no idea, but I have a good guess:
Chemistry - B+ (if I do really well on my final, I MIGHT have an A- but I haven't started studying for it yet..and it's in 6 hours)
Chemistry Lab - C- (Professor hasn't posted grades, so this is an optimistic guess)
Animal nutrition - B (I did really well on the 2nd midterm but not so well on the 1st....and I have no idea how I did on my final, so I'm still waiting results)
Animal nutrition lab - C+ (I missed a quiz and did badly on another....and we only had like 4 quizzes)
I feel like I got my 2 A's out of sheer luck, I don't know.
Barely studied for them...I spent more time trying/pretending to study than actually studying. Like with this chemistry final.
My GPA right now is 2.85....................
I think...if I get the grades I've estimated..........should be 2.9
Oh yeah...I'm still doing this: