The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, Interview me.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your LJ.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Questions brought to you by
Naked, to whom I should also say (1) yes, my hair is still flippy and (2) it's Coke, not Diet Coke, thank you.
1. You have an incurable, terminal, painless disease that will kill you in approximately a year. What will you do until then?
I quit my job and get rid of most of my belongings. Then I travel, visiting friends and family in locales from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine and going to places I've always wanted to go. I send my friends all sorts of bizarre but beautiful postcards, letters, and packages from my travels. Also, I hit on every attractive, unattached, non-jackass guy I meet, because I figure a lot of my shyness would go away if I had a mental countdown to death going and I also think getting laid a lot would be good for my mental health. I write in my journal every day. If there's some kind of group working to raise awareness of the disease, or trying to raise money to find a cure, I would try to help them. But mostly I'd try to do some of the things I want to do but hold myself back from doing for purely practical reasons.
2. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve seen? (Myself in the morning aside)
Certain parts of the Cyclades (Greek islands) I saw when I was there in 2002. There were parts that were built-up and touristy, but there were still many spots where the buildings and the natural landscape fit together perfectly, as if the houses and things had just drifted down from the sky and settled in exactly the right spot effortlessly.
3. Times are rough. You more likely to become a housewife or a hooker to make ends meet?
I would be a courtesan in the grand tradition of Dangerous Beauty. Only without all the death and inquisition-y business, and I wouldn't fall in love with my best friend's brother who thought he was too good for me. I'd be all over the sexy eating, though.
4. What books have influenced you the most?
West with the Night, by Beryl Markham, because it's about pushing the limits of what you thought was possible.
The End of the Affair, by Graham Greene, because it provided me with a completely different portrait of faith than any I had seen before.
Rules of the Wild, by Francesca Marciano, because... just because. It's one of those books that as soon as I started reading it, I wished I'd written it.
5. There’s a dead historical figure in your bed (very much alive). Who is it?
Alexander Hamilton, baby. An arrogant bastard with a brilliant mind who was involved in our nation's first sex scandal. True, he's a little short for me, but I'm sure he can just talk dirty to me about fiscal policy and I'll forget all about it.