(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 22:03

I know I just brought Len back from his murderous and memory-erasing situation, but sort of need to do this.
I've been sort of stressed out lately, and I won't give you a sob story, just a summary: there's been some family issues and I've had some issues, both health-wise and... other sort of issues, too.

Right now RP is more stressful for me than it is fun, and I sort of just want to relax for a little while and get adjusted to school and just... be laid back when I get the chance to and not worry about who I owe tags to or how long it's taking me or who I'm letting down.

Yes so... emo post is emo, and I apologize from dropped threads or if I'm letting anyone down or things like that.

If things get worse, there's a chance I might have to drop, but I'm hoping that won't be the case.
I can never find the hiatus post for my life, so... haha I don't even know how long I'll be gone -- less than two months, I'm sure.
But I don't want to be sitting on Len if anyone else wants him and... fdklsdkf I don't know what would be better to do; drop or hiatus. For now it's a hiatus, I guess.

If you need to contact me (for whatever reason) you can IM me at either lousy loli or yanderen, and on MSN I'm lover_of_muffins@hotmail.com (shut up).

But... yeah. Stay cool, guys. Don't die.
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