Feb 14, 2009 17:12
[Though celebrated a little differently in Ivalice, this 'Valentine's Day' bore similarities to the festivals held in the streets of Rabanatre. This was a day of true love, when couples of old and young would express their feelings for one another. Inside Taglianis, not even the hardened Ashe is going to forget about a day such as this. No food on the table, just paying homage to the festivities in wine. Taking another sip of the sweet red liquid, Ashe stared down at the rose she held in her free hand. The red of the rose collided with the platnum wedding ring on her finger.
It really brought back some memories...memories better left in the past.]
[[ooc: So sorry 'bout unfinished business from last week; my life's just been a complete bitch. Anyway, the rose is making the princess a little sappy and nastolgic. Feel free to tease.]]