1st Temptation ک (Action)

Jun 25, 2010 04:12

[ He can't say he's used to having a cold* but like hell if he's never seen the poor buggers with them walking around. Miserable, yes. Dour and hating their life, yes but since when did colds make you sneeze balloons?** It was bad enough he woke up in a bloody bland room and nothing compared to his flat at all. This place wasn't the Ritz and it sure wasn't any Buckingham Palace either. False advertising is what it was, clever buggers and their fine printing; he knew there was something good in it, too bad management was stubborn on his uptake.

So you can have Crowley, Toujours, walking around sulking and trying with all his demonic might to fight this cold. He's sniffling and trying to hold back a sneeze because he's not running a damn balloon stand his first day here. He doesn't even like balloons because well...think of the dolphins! Big brains and all that, they didn't deserve to be offed, especially not by balloons. ]

Bloody-bloody hell! [ Have a sneeze and a few red and black balloons erupt from said person's nose. ] Oh for go-heav-my sake does anyone have any decongestant? This is ridiculousss. Ngk go away you annoying buggers you're making it worssse. [ Was that a hiss? Another sneeze can be heard from the transmission also there are kittens meowing in the background...who let the cats out? No seriously...who did this? Because they're making his symptoms worse. ]

*This is mainly due to the fact that while said rented meat suits were functionally human they were, without a doubt, being used by non-corporeal beings. As such non-corporeal beings were effectively immune against such disease it was one of the perks of being a demon...sort of.

**Besides in ones dreams and if said person was having fevered delusions about clowns or something. But that's an entirely different problem because that person probably has Coulrophobia. Or maybe the book IT just didn't sit well with them, Steven King bloody good writer him. He was probably one of the only writers Crowley would read and that's saying something.

a.j crowley

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