For more amusement

Sep 29, 2008 20:45

Your result for Soul Eater Personality quiz...

You are excalibur! You have the power to grant incredible speed, streangth and teleportation. The only problem is that no one can stand you due to your personality. You name brings horror into the hearts of everyone that has gotten to know you. Congrats, you are the most annoying, yet incredibly funny, minor Soul Eater character. Seriously, SEEK HELP NOW.

Take Soul Eater Personality quiz at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The FOXHOUND Codename Test...
Big Boss

Big Boss, a legend. You will most likely rise above the ranks of FOXHOUND and become something in your own right. A great and terrible future is in store for you.

Take The FOXHOUND Codename Test at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Doctor Who Companion Test...
Sarah Jane

You are Sarah Jane. You are clever without being arrogant, adventurous without being impatient, and resourceful while still being naive enough to want to stick around with the old geezer. If The Doctor had favorites, you'd be it. Actually, he does have favorites - and you're it.

You and The Doctor have formed a fast companionship. You've far outlasted most of his other companions, though The Doctor would probably never admit it. Still, though, you could do without some of The Doctor's stand-offish-ness and the roughness of constantly fighting monsters. Maybe one of these days, you can put that journalism degree to use, and start having adventures of your own...
Take The Doctor Who Companion Test at HelloQuizzy

quiz, doctor who, games, tv, anime

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