What the heck am I supposed to do?

Oct 02, 2005 21:37

[22:09] Demolishor: *another swirling portal appears. Demolishor comes out, facing away from Deathscythe as Snowcat did* Snowcat, are you sure this is the right place?
[22:09] Demolishor: *a voice comes out from inside the portal* Yeah. Now go talk to him, and play nice. I mean it. *the portal closes*
[22:10] Deathscythe: ((ROFL))
[22:11] Deathscythe: *Startled, powers on, only to stand and look somewhat stupidly at the reality of Demolishor standing in his hangar.* Eh??
[22:11] Demolishor: *turns* Snowcat, what--*the portal is gone, Snowcat isn't there, and that damn human-built mech is sitting over there looking at him* Damnit, Snowcat!
[22:14] Deathscythe: *Almost at the same time as Demolishor,* Damnit, Snowcat! What in the... What are you doing here? What in hell is Snowcat's problem??
[22:14] Demolishor: That's what I'd like to know! *glares at him*
[22:15] Deathscythe: *Glares back.* He's YOUR mate. I'M just a Gundam. I can't divine his ways.
[22:15] Demolishor: Well I can't tell what he wants now either. He just said "Go talk" and kicked me out.
[22:16] Deathscythe: Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about. I'm perfectly happy with the current situation.
[22:17] Demolishor: Me too. So I don't get why he even wants to talk about you existing anymore. I blame you, you put the freaky thoughts in his idiot head.
[22:19] Deathscythe: What do you mean, freaky? I didn't put any thoughts in his head whatsoever! I was pure! I was innocent! And I was happy! It was all his Decepticonish nonsense that started this whole situation. *mutters* I'd never even heard of energon. Those were the days, let me tell you what!
[22:19] Demolishor: *growls at him* Stupid freaky mech. Don't even know what he saw in you. Can't be anything that was better then me.
[22:25] Deathscythe: Is this your way of attempting a reconciliation? That other guy was a hell of a lot smoother.
[22:25] Demolishor: What one guy? *optics narrow* Did Snowcat come here again?
[22:26] Deathscythe: Uh, I think I know Snowcat's name by now. No, idiot, not Snowcat. What's his name. Three? Thresher? Just a sec. *Looks the name up in his databanks.* Thrust.
[22:27] Demolishor: The conehead was here?
[22:27] Demolishor: What'd he want?
[22:27] Deathscythe: He wanted to talk. That a criminal offense?
[22:28] Demolishor: Coming from him, maybe. He's a real shady type. Did he promise you something?
[22:29] Deathscythe: What do you care? I'm not an infant. You Decepticons have opened my optics to a whole world of shady dealings. Thrust not the least of it.
[22:30] Demolishor: What's that supposed to mean?
[22:30] Deathscythe: *Obnoxiously.* If you have to ask at this point, you'll never figure it out.
[22:31] Demolishor: *folds his arms and looks off to the side, taking Deathscythe's phrasing as a personal offense* What's everybody's problem, anyway? I did what I had to do.
[22:38] Deathscythe: If by "what I had to do" you meant "aggravate an enormous misunderstanding with your willful blockheadedness," then yes, I suppose you accomplished your task most excellently.
[22:39] Demolishor: Misunderstanding? What's the misunderstanding? He messed around with another guy!
[22:39] Deathscythe: Yeah, so why'd you blame the other guy? I didn't know you existed!
[22:40] Demolishor: *growls* Well, I couldn't just leave you alone, could I?
[22:41] Deathscythe: *Exasperatedly* Of course you could! Do you think I have no ethics? No honor? I wouldn't have allowed him to do a thing if I'd known he had a mate. Though I might add I didn't even know there were things he could do!
[22:42] Demolishor: *makes a face* Ethics and honor, he's really got no taste.And how do you not know? Everyone knows.
[22:45] Deathscythe: Because I'd achieved sentience scarcely forty eight hours ago, that's how, you dolt. I'm not "everyone." I'm not a Decepticon. Don't you understand what that means? I don't know your people, I don't know how you work, I don't know what you do!
[22:46] Demolishor: *mutters to himself, looking down into his folded arms* Honor, ethics, not even a Decepticon. Idiot.
[22:48] Deathscythe: *Glares.* I was naive. I'm not any longer.
[22:49] Demolishor: Hmph. *turns around* As far as I'm concerned, you're almost as responsible as he is. But he told me not to attack you, so I'll let you off easy.
[22:51] Deathscythe: *Irritatedly* I could render you scrap metal and you know it, Demolishor.
[22:52] Demolishor: *does indeed know it and hunches over, doing more sulking*
[22:55] Deathscythe: *Looks away. The anger from the moment he discovered what had happened hasn't fully drained away, not yet. His first betrayal.* I was just as angry as you were when the energon cleared away. I didn't know not to trust everyone I met.
[22:56] Demolishor: Well, you should have. Only an idiot trusts everybody. I don't see what makes you so special that people should feel sorry for you for being an idiot.
[23:01] Deathscythe: How should I have? I didn't even know there were others even vaguely similar to me around. I'd only ever seen humans, and only ever spoken to one. I'd never seen mechs who could also speak. I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me. I'm asking you to -- oh to hell with it, I don't need to ask you for a single damn thing.
[23:02] Demolishor: Good, because I wouldn't give you slag. Maybe you didn't mean to screw around with him, but you sure as the Pit did something to him.
[23:03] Deathscythe: If we're going to be technical about it, he was the one who was doing things, not me. How many times do I have to tell you I didn't even know there were things to be done?
[23:03] Demolishor: I mean he's doing things he isn't supposed to be doing ever since he came back from talking to you.
[23:04] Deathscythe: *Looks weirded out.* Like?
[23:05] Demolishor: Like sending me over here in the first place. And wanting to see you again, which is just plain sick in my opinion.
[23:06] Deathscythe: *Annoyed.* It's not like I send out soul-crushing death waves from my helmet.
[23:07] Demolishor: *scowls* Maybe we should take it off and find out.
[23:08] Deathscythe: Take it off? *Touches one of his helmet's decorative jutting-horns.* Hah. You could try. I don't have a face.
[23:09] Demolishor: *would be trying, if Deathscythe was three times smaller* Well, I'd like to hear a better reason. He should've just shaken it off, but no, he comes running to you. *spits out the final word like bad energon*
[23:12] Deathscythe: *Flatly.* I don't understand what your problem is.
[23:13] Demolishor: My problem is you! If you would just roll over and deativate in a ditch somewhere, my life would be perfect.
[23:14] Deathscythe: *Aggravated.* Nothing more is happening between me and Snowcat! Not a single thing! Not one! Not even a fraction of one! Not even a percentage of a fraction of one! Does that not assauge your pathological jealousy? *Decides not to mention any experiments done in the name of Science*
[23:15] Demolishor: *starts shouting* Then why does he even care about you? Why can't he just do like I told him to and come over here and shoot you?
[23:17] Deathscythe: Because he's not an extension of your personality! Because he is in fact an independent entity with a highly idiosyncratic method of looking at the world! And because we're friends! *flings that last word at him* And if you're too paranoid to understand that, it's too bad, because you're going to be the one that suffers for it!
[23:19] Demolishor: Friends! How can you be friends? The only one who's going to be suffering is you if you don't leave him alone!
[23:20] Deathscythe: What do you mean 'how can we be friends'? Don't you have any friends? Surely you understand the mechanics of friendship! As it so happens, I left him alone for a while. It was he who came back, so don't start putting words in my voicebox!
[23:21] Demolishor: I don't believe you. Maybe you threatened him or something. I can understand friends, but not with non-Decepticons. It just doesn't happen.
[23:24] Deathscythe: Considering the only other choice is Autobots, and the Autobots sound like a humorless pack of sniveling infants, I can understand it not happening before you discovered the tear in worlds that leads to the Nexus. But you must understand basic statistics. Snowcat, and all of you, have had thousands of worlds open up to you. The probability that your new enlarged circle of acquaintances will include a few you may come to consider friends grows higher with each new world opened.
[23:26] Demolishor: *is a little confused by all the elaborate speech* There's Skywarp and Dreadboots. They're Decepticons, nothing wrong with that. And there were the...but I'm not counting those things. Anyway, the point is that you need to make him stop doing what he's doing and just forget about you and your weird ideas.
[23:27] Deathscythe: Then there were the what?
[23:27] Demolishor: *looks down* Just the jellybeans.
[23:28] Deathscythe: Jellybeans? Were they -- *has a thought* Did they.. sparkle? And have bubbles..?
[23:28] Demolishor: Yeah, they had bubbles. *suspicious look*
[23:30] Deathscythe: Oh, okay. *Drops that subject right quick.* Those count.
[23:30] Demolishor: But they weren't real friends.
[23:31] Demolishor: Just little...things.
[23:32] Demolishor: And you're not a friend either!
[23:34] Deathscythe: Not your friend, no. Due mostly to your own thickheadedness. Unlike you, I haven't got a problem putting the past behind me. *This is a bit of a lie and Dee knows it. Stares at Dem.* I wonder what Snowcat sees in you.
[23:35] Demolishor: *takes a slightly wider stance, missile launchers poised to come up and fire* Hey! Snowcat sees plenty in me. It's you who has the problem!
[23:37] Deathscythe: *Irritatedly.* Take those down. You know they won't do anything.
[23:38] Demolishor: *remains in the same pose but lowers his hackles slightly. His truckbed remains behind his back* I'm a tough Decepticon who knows how to fight. Of course he likes me.
[23:40] Deathscythe: I'm a tough Gundam who knows how to fight. *Doesn't appear, at the moment, inclined to, although his optics glow alertly.* I don't see what the big mystery in our friendship is to you.
[23:41] Demolishor: Because what happens the next time I hit him a little too hard and he comes whining to you? Huh? Maybe a little cuddling to cheer him up?
[23:41] Deathscythe: *Hard glare.* I don't cuddle.
[23:42] Demolishor: *bitter smugness* Yeah, you do.
[23:43] Deathscythe: *Glare glare.* Maybe you don't cuddle him enough. Maybe you should devote more time in your day to cuddling him. Maybe then he won't need me anymore, since clearly all we do is canoodle and badmouth you.
[23:47] Demolishor: I pay plenty of attention to him! *hands form fists. That was one of the things Shockblast had been insinuating* He doesn't need someone else on the side, ever!
[23:49] Deathscythe: I'm not on the side, damnit! What will it take to get you to understand that?
[23:50] Demolishor: Not anymore, you're not! Snowcat doesn't need anyone else like that when he's got me!
[23:51] Deathscythe: *If he had hair, he would be tearing it out. As it is, he grips his horns.* I WAS NEVER HIS THING ON THE SIDE. I HAVE MORE SELF-RESPECT THAN THAT.
[23:51] Demolishor: So what, he's nto good enough for you? *is now mostly looking for an arguement*
[23:52] Deathscythe: *Quietly.* He is plenty good enough. But I won't do that. It would be wrong.
[23:54] Demolishor: *folds his arms again* You're big enough, You could get away with it if he wanted to. Slag, you could get away wth it even if he didn't want to.
[00:02] Deathscythe: *Offended.* I would never! It's not about if I can. It's about if I should. And I shouldn't. Therefore I wouldn't. Ethics and honor, which you scoffed about, are what's keeping me from -- from doing whatever I feel like. So you shouldn't be so quick to scoff.
[00:04] Demolishor: Ethics are for Autobots and people with honor woulnd up getting killed. And you're not being either of those, although I wouldn't mind if you went and stuck yourself on Megatron's sword like Starscream. And you just might do it anyway, if you got tempted.
[00:07] Deathscythe: *Firmly* No. I would not.
[00:09] Demolishor: *growls again* ....no, you probably wouldn't. You and your damn "holier then you" honor.
[00:10] Deathscythe: It's got nothing to do with being better than anyone. *Pointed.* I'm not that insecure.
[00:11] Demolishor: *looks Deathscythe up and down. He's bigger, stronger, probably smarter. But Snowcat loves him, not that squishie slave. Right?* I'm not insecure.
[00:17] Deathscythe: Then quit acting like it.
[00:18] Deathscythe: *Shakes his head.* I don't like fighting you. I don't like insulting you. It's negative energy I don't need. So can we quit it?
[00:19] Demolishor: *gives a good impression of a tea kettle about to boil over before turning and shooting the wall* Why you?! What do you have that I don't? Why is he protecting you? *turns back around to face him* Tell me!
[00:22] Deathscythe: *Cragglement.* He doesn't need to protect me! I haven't -- look, I don't understand why you're upset!
[00:23] Demolishor: Because somehow he thinks you're better then me! If he didn't he would've just let me kill you, or done it himself!
[00:26] Deathscythe: Maybe he's judging us as two completely separate people. Him liking me as a friend doesn't mean he has to like you any less. It's not like he only has a certain amount of Likeness, and he has to compensate for liking me by liking you less.
[00:27] Demolishor: *folds arms and is sulking again* But he shouldn't like you more then he likes me.
[00:28] Deathscythe: He doesn't, Demolishor.
[00:28] Demolishor: Then shouldn't I be more important then you?
[00:30] Deathscythe: Not really. He can like us both the same, you know. Except he loves you, I guess. *Decides to look elsewhere.*
[00:31] Demolishor: *looks distinctly uncomfortable at hearing the l-word spoken out loud, but needs to get his point across* Right. Me, not you. Not ever.
[00:34] Deathscythe: Well. Yeah.
[00:35] Demolishor: *nods, looking smug* So don't forget that. He;s mine.
[00:35] Deathscythe: *Snaps.* I'm not going to forget it, okay?! Lay off!
[00:36] Demolishor: *keeps looking smug* So what are you going to do if he comes back?
[00:41] Deathscythe: ... Talk to him. Duh.
[00:41] Demolishor: No, you're going to tell him to frag off. Got it?
[00:51] Deathscythe: Hell no. You have no right to dictate who he does and doesn't talk to. You can't intimidate me, and you have my guarantee that I'm not going to do anything dishonorable. Content yourself with that.
[00:53] Demolishor: He can do whatever he wants. It's what you *points at him* can't do. It's better for everybody if you stop talking to him. Then he stops acting weirder then normal and you can go do Gundam things with other Gundams. You like him, right?
[00:55] Deathscythe: *Blinks, uncomfortable with this line of questioning.* Well enough.
[00:55] Demolishor: So you want him to not have problems, right?
[01:06] Deathscythe: Yeah...
[01:07] Demolishor: And if I'm happy , he's happy. Right?
[01:08] Deathscythe: *Warily* Right...
[01:08] Demolishor: So you want me to be happy!
[01:08] Demolishor: And what will make me happy is if you leave him alone. You're dangerous.
[01:09] Deathscythe: *Scoffs.* I'm no more dangerous than what you face every day in your interminable war.
[01:09] Demolishor: It's a lot easier to shoot Autobots and duck Megatron then to figure you out.
[01:10] Deathscythe: I'm very easy to figure out. *Stiffly.* I will act according to my honor.
[01:11] Demolishor: Except I can't figure out your honor. You're not a pansy Autobot and you're not a Decepticon. So what are you?
[01:11] Deathscythe: *Proudly.* I'm a Gundam.
[01:12] Demolishor: Yeah, I know that, but there's no such faction as Gundam.
[01:14] Demolishor: So what are you?
[01:14] Demolishor: Autobot or Decepticon?
[01:39] Deathscythe: I've only ever met Decepticons. I can't exactly make an informed decision.
[01:40] Demolishor: Well, you're no Autobot. You're not a big pansy weakling, and you're not as annoying either.
[01:40] Deathscythe: *Optics flicker* Well, thank you.
[01:41] Demolishor: But you don't act like a Decepticon either. You can't fit in with us.
[01:42] Deathscythe: *Rather more sardonically.* Thank you. Have you considered that I'm happy with the way I am without the need to be part of any particular faction from your world? Thrust certainly didn't.
[01:43] Demolishor: Thrust tricks everybody. He tried to get Unicron to destroy Cybertron. Leave him out of this.
[01:44] Deathscythe: Sure. Where were we?
[01:46] Demolishor: So how can you be with us if you're not a Decepticon? You could be a merc, maybe, but you can't trust them if you're not paying them.
[01:47] Deathscythe: If I become a Decepticon, you'll trust me. Is that about right?
[01:47] Demolishor: *hadn't thought of that* Um....maybe.
[01:48] Deathscythe: *Impatient.* You don't trust anyone, do you? Not me, not your mate. I should hope you at least trust yourself.
[01:48] Demolishor: *looks down* I said I'd trust him.
[01:49] Deathscythe: That's what you said. Is it what you're going to do?
[01:50] Demolishor: *shoulders hunchup* None of your business, Gundam.
[01:51] Deathscythe: You bet it is. For example, if you trust him, then you trust him to visit me without coming on to me. You already have my word of honor I won't be coming on to him. Now that would be a real test of trust.
[01:52] Demolishor: *clenches his fists--he's stuck for it now* All right, fine. I'll lay off the both of you and trust him if....if...*inspiration!* If you become a Decepticon.
[01:56] Deathscythe: *Optics narrow.* You sure you not working for Thrust?
[01:56] Demolishor: No! I don't even like the guy. He's a creep and a traitor.
[01:56] Deathscythe: Funny, 'cause he tried to recruit me, too.
[01:57] Demolishor: For his own side, you mean. He doesn't want you to join our Decepticons, he wanted to use you. He uses everybody.
[02:07] Deathscythe: He can't use me! *Indignant.* I'm smarter than that.
[02:08] Demolishor: Just don't listen to what he says. And if he says join the Decepticons...*scowls a bit, not sure whether he really wants to ask this* Join our Decepticons.
[02:12] Deathscythe: ...OK, I guess.
[02:13] Demolishor: *there is a moment of utter silence followed by a small noise of WTF* What?
[02:21] Deathscythe: Fine. I'll join. Where do I sign up? Clean up your damn war in a day, tell ya what.
[02:22] Demolishor: *is still weebling* Um...you'd have to talk to Megatron first. But what with him being all pissed over Starscream leaving, I'm sure he'd be okay with it. You, um, you really mean it?
[02:24] Deathscythe: Yes. Fine. Yes. *Scowling.* If that's what it takes.
[02:24] Demolishor: *nods weakly* All right. That...could work. Okay.
[02:26] Deathscythe: *Slumps some, unsure why he's so emotionally invested in the whole mess.* Now will you lay off?
[02:27] Demolishor: I guess so. *is wondering whether Deathscythe is more competition as a con or non-con* I'll, um, talk to Megatron about it. And Snowcat.
[02:28] Deathscythe: Fine. Just remember. *Ghost of a smile.* It was your idea.
[02:29] Demolishor: Yeah, yeah, don't make me regret offering. So you come around Unicron sometime and I'll introduce you to Megs and you can get painted.
[02:30] Deathscythe: Painted? Uh, I like my current paintjob fine, thanks.
[02:30] Demolishor: No, just this. *taps the small Decepticon symbol on his shoulder*
[02:31] Demolishor: You need one, if you're a Decepticon.
[02:37] Deathscythe: Sure. Fine. I'll talk to my human.
[02:38] Demolishor: Okay. Um, you do that.
[02:39] Deathscythe: You can leave now.
[02:40] Demolishor: I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
[02:40] Demolishor: So you just come to Unicron and then you can be a Decepticon.
[02:40] Demolishor: But later.
[02:48] Demolishor: *is trying to make the swirly purple portal appear*
[02:59] Deathscythe: *Frowns at Dem's failure to conjure the portal.* Uh, you are leaving now, aren't you?
[02:59] Demolishor: Yes! *tries again and summons the purple swirly portal o'doom* There. We'll be waiting for you. *goes through*

Okay, fine, you won, Snowcat. I talked to him, and I didn't blow his stupid Gundam head off.

And look what you did! Now he wants to be a Decepticon. Oh, but I'm sure you're real happy about your buddy coming over to our side. *makes grumbling noises* At least I could ignore him when he was off in some weird dimension. Now I'm gonna have to fight next to him? Primus!
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