Jan 03, 2005 13:22
Welcome to my head. It's been about a minute since I've written. Things have been kind of hectic and kind of not. Regretably, I don't have a lot of time, so I'll give you the short version.
1-Went on x-mas leave.
2-Got really drunk.
3-My old psycho ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend tried to kick my ass.
4-He not just failed but oh god damn I bet he's scared mindless of me.
5-I have a gamecube now! Yay!
6-I really miss seeing Roshi, but oh well it's the holidays. Everyone has to go home to the family's.
That's about it.
Quote of the day: "So there I was....balls deep in Kennedy's Mom, when I says to myself, Self? What the shit? And Self says to me, get a hold of yourself man. Then he left."