Nov 21, 2005 09:58
I didn't do too much over the weekend since I didn't have to work. I hung out with ash one day though. We went Xmas shopping. It was a pretty good time actually. Had great discussions about the 50 cent movie, the fact that I don't deal well with other guys and about how girls are hard to shop for heh. I didn't really get any shopping done though, at least nothing important. I still have to get stuff for some of my friends, and of course alex and mom. I havenb't fully decided what to do for them yet though. I have a few ideas, but there are some other things that I need to look into first.
In other news, some people are so ridiculously dumb, it's a wonder they can function in life.
Also, isn't it amazing how you can continuously try to not buy into the stereotypes about a person, to give them the benefit of the doubt, even if you aren't really friends, yet they keep disappointing you?
That is all.