Nov 18, 2004 20:31 says the meaning of poser:
-Someone who goes to great lengths to appear to be something she is not, especially one who pretends to be a skater.
example from JFK: caitlin heath. cannot skate. tells people she does. told a vast amount of people that she was in a band. actually brought a fake cd to school, saying it was her band. not true.
ive had some people behind my back say i was a punk poser. what do you need to qualify as punk? i listen to punk rock music, along with others. i do not listen to ashley simpson and/or avril lavigne. am i poser? i never thought of myself as punk until people said i was. can i just call myself "alternative" and leave it at that?
if you think im a poser, comment. i honestly want to know what you think.