(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 01:34

X-Posted from Kurosaki Clinic: A short fic to celebrate today and our favorite Bleach couple, with a small twist at the end.

Title: Just barely.
Rating: G
Genre: General/Romance
Characters: Ichigo, Tatsuki.
Length: 400 Words

Late at night inside the university library, Ichigo and Tatsuki sat across from each other, each with a pile of binders and textbooks next to and spread out in front of them. Around them were students in various states of preparedness, sleepiness, and despair. Suddenly, the one hand that was scratching the side of her face was suddenly joined by the other as Tatsuki threw back her head and let out a groan, falling face forward until her cheeks were resting against an array of highlight marks and underlines. “I can’t take this anymore, Ichigo… why can’t it all just be over?”

Ichigo turned a page in his notes and continued to scribble. “It’ll be over soon. As soon as it’s over, we’ll go out for barbecue.”

Tatsuki smiled at the thought of sizzling meat and beer, tilting her head to look at her partner. “Are you treating?”

“Only if you beat the class average.”

Tatsuki sighed into her handwriting. “Stingy.”

“That was the deal.”

Several minutes passed afterwards, quiet except for the continual scrawl of writing and the occasional turn of the page. Tatsuki, still resting her head against the table, was just about to gather herself together and jump back into studying when she heard him begin to speak.

“Hey Tats.”


“We’re both graduating next year, right?”

At the thought of units yet to be taken, she felt the study migraines return. “Yes, that was the plan.”

“Wanna get married right after we graduate?”

Tatsuki opened her eyes and sat up. Ichigo had taken off his reading glasses, slipping them into his breast pocket, and was now looking straight at her. For a few moments it was all she could do to stare at her childhood-friend-turned-boyfriend-kinda, both speechless as he waited for her answer. Then a light bulb went on in her sleep-deprived brain and she began to chuckle. “Wow… haha, nice try there, Ichigo. It’s April Fool’s Day. You nearly had me though, real sly to wait until I was tired!”

Her chuckled gradually faded as Ichigo stood and began to collect his things, a ghost of a smile on his own face. “Well, who knows…” As he turned to leave, he pointed over his shoulder. When Tatsuki turned and looked, her eyes widened, and a deep color began to spread in her cheeks.

The clock told 12:01 AM.

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