Rik... eh, Higa Myu.

Jan 28, 2008 03:13

Higa, eh, yes, the myu was actually about Higa. Stupid me, forgot that again!

I went there only because it's most probably the last myu featuring the Rikkai cast. So my review might be slightly biased. But nevertheless I'll try to cover all of the teams and all of the actors, so don't worry too much ;) You can always skip over the 85% of this entry which contain Rikkai! RIKKAI!FANGIRLING! and... eheheh.. yes, beware of the massive amount of fangirling, too. But I'll try... to stay calm and objective. Objective, yes. KANE-CHAN!!11!! *O*

Furthermore I'll try NOT to spoil too many myu-only jokes and surprising details and focus more on writing about my personal impression of the actors and songs. But enough with the boring warnings, let's start!

The myu was great. You probably guessed that, so no news here...
Onto the real news : The New Seigaku Cast!

First and foremost: Tezuka. The new Tezuka.
I am made of fail and thuse still don't know his name (I paid few attention to the new Seigaku cast before the myu) but lechaco and I immediately agreed after the first half that we had to get his photoset asap.
He can sing. Hell, can he sing. I don't think we had such a good and trained voice since Katou.
The first time he appeared was in that infamous lottery scene at the Nationals... where Oishi gets caught in surprise by his sudden appearance. You found it cracky in the manga or even crackier in the anime? Wait until you see it with Sparkly!Myu-effects! :D
Lechaco and I both cracked up pretty hard there.
Just to be taken by awe a few minutes later when he started to sing. I don't know, even if the acustic wasn't brilliant (a bit too loud sometimes) he had a very strong and emotional voice. Like his actual seiyuu which made me really really happy.
On top he's pretty. Really pretty. With a very thick stick up his ass, to top it off! You thought the attribut "stoic dorkiness" was best fitted for Sanada? Think again. I tried very hard to get rid of the thought "Kanesaki!Tezuka" while watching the myu XD I was both awed and totally cracked up by the fact that he managed to remain over 5 minuted completely motionless, with 90° straight back and crossed arms, on a bench.
His tennis, too, was pretty stiff. Nevertheless he managed to copy exactly Tezuka's poses in the manga/anime! Compared to Shirota he gladly lacked the awful clumsiness. It was more... very composed dorkiness. Oh Toast-Tezuka, I love you! ♥
He's just the Tezuka I always wanted to see in the Musicals: Combining female beauty, an expressionless face and a voice filled with emotions, with a heavy dose of utter!crack to top it off!
All in all he was definitely one of the highlights of this myu!

The new Fuji was a real big surprise. I'm not quite sure yet, what kind of surprise, though.
First thing, his voice is definitely... interesting. He's the first ever Fuji (including his seiyuu, Kimeru and Aiba) who has a deep manly voice. And IS BIGGER THAN TEZUKA!
I only noticed it in one scene when they stood next to each other and Fuji put his hand on his shoulder., but it was... weird! XD
I was really fond of his movements, though! He has real Fuji-style movements, gracefully, agile, a bit swaying... even remiscent of ballet sometimes! :D
I think I like that he brings a more manlier side to Fuji again... that makes me somehow interested in Fuji as a character again, so I guess it's a good thing!

The first Seigaku member to actually appear in the myu was Kaidou's. It seemed as if we got the new actor (luckily!). His voice is Kaidou!deep again and he really got into the acting... he played a very aggreessive Kaidou (I was even a bit scared at one point X___x), but hey, it was Kaidou!

Oishi was the second member to be introduced - yes, in that infamous scene, too.
At first I thought "Hmmm...", but his very emotional duet with Tezuka convinced me a bit more of him. Although he seemed a bit nervous and his voice too high-pitched he also somehow maintained Oishi's more fiercer side. His singing, though... but this is kinda unfair, because against this Tezuka a lot of the better myu singers would look bad.

Kikumaru... I admit it I generally don't like Kikumaru too much. But the last Kikumaru somehow managed to change that - he was so quirly and and cute and energetic! He even made me like him in one of Kikumaru's worst scenes (against Rikkai D1).
This Kikumaru... hmm, he's still somewhat energetic, but... ummm... a boy.
He was neither cute nor really good-looking and gave out a very "boyish" (rough?) vibe, except in the few moments he pouted or gave his voice a higher pitch.
Actually I think he somehow fits Kikumaru's development in the nationals.

The others... it's kinda sad, but they had very few appearances, except of the new Echizen (which I completely forgot to include in my notes O__o... so I have to try to remember him).
I think he was pretty good! Better in singing and dancing as the ones before him. Although I didn't pay too much attention to him (I was too busy ogling Tezuka) he made me like Echizen a bit more. He was still bratty, but also more emotional and wordy (I guess, due to his solo song he gets in his match against Tanishi)... which seemed kinda OOC to me XD;
We don't see much of both Inui and Momoshiro so it's hard to say anything about them... I guess, what we saw, still fit their characters, though. (although I haven't seen any actor of both characters so far, who was really OOC O__o;) Taka was quite on spot. Boring as always, sorry ^^;

In general this cast is surprisingly well casted! We've seen already so many Seigaku interpretations but these guys still managed to add something new to these already well established characters. AND their singing did not make me cringe - like 3rd cast at the beginning ^^;

I know this gets boring - but as you probably guessed I don't like Higa too much. Konomi you succeeded in your aim to create this team! For once I actually cheered for Seigaku's win ^^;
Anyway - the Higa cast was really good!
I don't remember much about Kai and that blonde guy in the manga so I can't really say much about the accurance of their portrayal. Chinen and Tanishi, though - perfect!
Not only their appearance, but also their acting! They were really into it... especially the Tanishi actor nearly snagged the Secret-Viewer's-Choice-Award. He was aggressive, intimidiating, constantly spraying spit while speaking... and cute. Thumbs up, Tanishi actor!
Kite was a bit of a personal disappointment. Formerly he was the only character I somewhat liked in Higa, but his actor just doesn't have the fierce megane-prettiness I always associated with him. Yep, fierce and pretty he was not.
But all of them were fabulous dancers! Karate moves in their cheography aside, their theme song was so catchy! (actually one of the few songs of this myu I really remember, because it was so... original) I guess they used Okinawan music's elements in there, which made for a both intimidiating and very up-beat song.

As you probably guessed I was actually not very interested in neither Seigaku nor Higa (except Tezuka, but since I didn't know beforehand how great he would be...)
I went for this myu because of Rikkai. I wanted to see them. At. least. once.
But, alas, this myu was actually not really about Rikkai, so when they appeared, then mostly as a team. Which made it very impossible for me to watch everyone! everytime! simultanously ;O;

Nevertheless. They were perfect. I mean... how long did they had time to perfect their characters? And they did. Oh, how they did. They somehow really grew into these characters and they were still able to add something more.

Let's start with Baba/Yagyuu.
He gets the very first scene, together with Kaidou. You might probably guess what scene that was, but let's say it was kinda extended/varied. There were a lot of jokes which I understood despite my very little knowledge of Japanese and they were GREAT. G. O. R. G. E. O. U. S.
I won't spoil any jokes/details, but Baba - yes, not Yagyuu - had an incredible timing and sense of humour. How he cracked a joke in the middle of a very... tense scene: Priceless.
He gave a very relaxed, even smug Yagyuu this time.
I know someone who will drop dead during this first scene.
But alas, they will miss what else was there to come...

There were - understandable if you look at the content of the actual myu - no D1 interactions at all and Niou had no scenes of his own at all. Nevertheless in the small bits he was really really outstanding, even splendid. How he drained and contorted the last syllable of a snarky comment? That's how Masa's interpretation really became Niou for me. Oh, Niou ♥ You snarky little fluffbumm!

Jackal - I'm so sorry! ;O;
He was great and so-in-character again, so perfectly... that I completely oversaw him. The Troika kept me busy staring, with small glances towards Niou and Yagyuu, occasionally to Kirihara... whom I also don't have much to say about (damn those team scenes which barely gave them the chance to stand out individually ;O;). He seemed a bit subdued to his former Kirhara-performances but I guess that fitted the image of Kirihara after his big defeat and the comeback of Yukimura.

Yukimura. Ouji.
He is still not a brilliant singer or an very expressive actor but I think he gained a lot of confidence and training and put that into very good use in this myu.

He kicked ass.

Seriously. I mean, we see him in his uniform, reprimanding his team and everyone in Rikkai seems even more determined and serious and making up for the broken promise.
He's got quite some presence. He was truely and thoroughly Yukimura.
This myu also presented me with my first impression of Yukimura playing, actually performing tennis moves.


I still can't find exact words to describe that, but the images are still imprinted in my mind, because... it was like a dream which came true after 3 years?
It was right the first scene in which Yukkimura appeared, a kind of introduction to the first Rikkai song and he stands there in some kind of white-bluish training clothes which remind me so much of his aweful hospital pyjama that only his headband convinced me of the opposite - but he does not stand, he plays.

Gracefully. Precise. Sharp. FAST.
Yukimura executing tennis moves.
Deadly graceful tennis.

He actually draws a lot of attention in this myu.
Perhaps it was because Rikkai was mostly featured in team scenes with the Troika and therefore Yukimura in the very center. One got the very firm impression that Rikkai revolves around Yukimura, backed up by Yanagi and Sanada.
The three of them even get their own song wherein they comment on Tezuka's development! XD

Sadly in this song you also see that Ono still has a bit to work on in the vocal department. I really like him, also as Renji, and he's still as gangly and cute as ever, but his singing... *sighs*
Ouji and Kane-chan both sing a lot better now. Especially since their natural pitch range was better considered in this myu (as they did already with their duet CD), so they sing a bit higher/deeper respectively in some songs. Sadly SADLY they had nearly no direct interaction scenes ;O; Even while dancing and during team songs Sanada - together with Renji - acted mostly as sidekick to Yukimura...

Nevertheless. Kane-chan.

Words fail me. If Tezuka and Yukimura were the more obvious stars of this myu, Kane-chan was the secret star.
To be honest I was pretty disappointed with him during the myu. His performance - like Akayas - was very subdued. He kept hiding under his cap and spoke only very few parts. And when he spoke it had a kinda wistful undertone, not as expressive as we've seen him speak (yell?) in the former myus. His Sanada seemed profundly crushed by the latest developments in the story and probably by Yukimura himself, too. He must have got his ass handed to him on a tablet by the ladder ;)
But I also wondered if Kane-chan's performance seemed so subdued because
a) he really is such a great actor that he would depict AfterKantou!Sanada ... so convincing?
b) just bored? O__o
c) sad because the myu performances would be over soon for them?

And then there came their after-curtain-song.


First... it was not "On my way".
I'm not sure... but it sounded like "Tezuka! Tezuka!" in the refrain to me O_____o In recalling it could have been "Let's go! Let's go!", too...

BUTBUTBUT!! Anyway. Kanechan running into the isle right to us (we sat in the middle so no real superdetail view XD;) starting TO JUMP UP AND DOWN AND SINGING OUT LOUD ("Tezuka!" O__o?!) AND GRINNING AND RUNNING AND JUMPING SOME MORE AND LAUGHING AND OMG KANESAKI!!!! I can't describe that picture. I mean. He was supposed to be Sanada, hahahahaha. AND SANADA DEFINITELY DOESN'T GO OUT HAPPILY LIKE THAT!! X´D

I wanted to run to him and jump with him so badly! ;O;

There was some insider-clapping-rhythm I completely failed at, but nevertheless it was so great!
Supposed-to-be-shy-Kane-chan going all out! Ouji so happily smiling on the stage (especially after his aggressive Yukimura performance).
Masa and Baba, though, were made of fail. Gnargh. They both stuck to the stage and at one point whispered to each other and Baba pointed into the audience. I think, in the general direction of Kane-chan PARTYING! XD But Masa topped it off when he withdraw himself into the furthest part of the stage >:O I was so distracted by that and the "oh, what kind of hand movement do I have to do now? Waving?" that I nearly missed everyone's goodbye and the closing of the curtain O___o;
The last smiling face I saw was Ouji's ;O;

I was so sad.
So incredibly sad.
The whole myu flashed me and I even could it believe to be real. Yes, we were there, in the 9th row to top it off, right in the middle and they were so close, just on this little stage some meters away and saw so many details and noticed so much stuff you would never see on a DVD - nevertheless the only time I kinda felt it to be real was when OMG THAT'S KANE-CHAN STANDING RIGHT THEREandwhatishedoing... XD;
Now it feels already like a mere dream. I feel like I missed so much, too. Shouldn't I have looked what Kane-chan did right before the curtain closed? (oh, when they lined up as a team at the end he grasped the hands of the Rikkai members next to him and looked so sad ;O;) Shouldn't I have paid more attention to Jackal and Kirihara? *sighs*

Those are the things which make you wish you could rewind and start watching it again ^^;
I even considered going there the next day and try for the lottery, but I decided against.
This myu should stay as a great memory in my mind.

BUT THAT WILL NOT STOP ME FROM GETTING THOSE DL5 TICKETS >:O (if Rikkai makes an appearance in there XD;)

If you have questions/think I forgot something, just ask ;)

rikkaimyu, fangirl, rikkai, rambling, pot

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